The state government of Andhra Pradesh has simplified the admission process for degree (UG) courses. Candidate See Application Form on Screen. Check course wise admission process, application form, eligibility, merit list, selection criteria, fees, news and more. However, Colleges will not hold any eliminaion/qualifying test in the midway for students admitted to the different Course of Studies. / M.Sc.] 3(a) Students, who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) examination or its equivalent from the All India Boards/Councils or State Boards/Councils including Open Schools and vocational studies, are eligible for study at the UG level. So all Applicant those are waiting for Apply Online APC College 2020-21 who all candidates keep read our article because we are given apply online direct link which given the end of the article. Hi, I am Rahul Prajapati Author of the A student will be given B.A. According to official notification APC College UG Admission Form 2020-21 released on Official Website. in the following subjects without taking any elective subject from the Group of Science/ Home Science : a) Psychology, b) Economics. Candidate Find Admission Form Link & Click on Link. ii) The candidate also has to choose 4 courses in Discipline Specific Elective (GDSE) in his/her above chosen 2 subject areas. iii) It is expected that the semester examinations will be held every six months as per the academic calender which will be duly intimated in advance by the University. Any dispute regarding the above would be resolved by the relevant Examination rules and regulations set up by the University or by the Executive Council. Angel Polytechnic College (APC), Virudhunagar Admission 2020 details for Diploma. Acharya Prafulla Chandra College was founded on 16 August, 1960 under the Dispersal Scheme–with the joint participation of the State and Central Governments. Aishwarya Polytechnic College (APC), Erode Admission 2020 details for Diploma. So those are candidate apply online who all candidate check required eligibility criteria which given us below, Read Also – Kota University Admission 2020-21 –, Dear students those are Apply Online APC College Online Admission Form 2020-21 who all Candidate know that Application Form released on official Website. There shall be option to the colleges for holding Written Admission Test. Candidate Must have Adress Proof Documents Like as Aadhar Card. View fee structure for B.Com, BA, MA courses So all Applicant those are waiting for Apply Online APC College 2020-21 who all candidates keep read our article because we are given apply online direct link … We have provided the direct link […] : New Barrackpore, Dist : 24 pgs(N) Course fees varies from course to course. Honours degree in Economics if he/she takes up at least one discipline from the Science group for his/her Generic Elective (as given in sec 7a) and shall be awarded B. Also Read – Surya Sen College UG Admission / Merit List Updates. (Honours and General) for the Academic Session 2019-2020 … iii) However, that other things remaining the same, a candidate may take up Honours course in B.A. i) Colleges have the freedom to hold any number of tests and examinations of its own students. In any case, where there is an ambiguity regarding the admissibility of a particular examination at the Higher Secondary (10+2) level of study, the matter shall be referred to the Equivalence Committee of the University who shall determine the eligibility of the said examination. A candidate taking up Honours in B.A. I have 5 Years experience of Blogging and Digital Marketing, Arealnews a News Website that is Provided All World Like as Education Entertainment Jobs Business Politics & Other Category News Available on this Site. APC College Merit list 2020 for BA, BSc BCom, check Acharya Prafulla Chandra College provisional,1st 2nd 3rd final Cutoff merit @ :-APC College invited online admission form 2020-21 online via college education department website.All-female candidates who have completed online admission form in the courses UG{ B.A, B.Sc, B.Com} and PG{ MA, M.Sc, M.Com} may download … The applicant must take a print out of the cancellation receipt. Kodali Nani Biography, Age, Son, Daughter, Birthday, Political Career Photos, Wiki & More, [30/12/2020] Sikkim Dear Labhlaxmi Tough Wednesday Lottery Result 9th Draw {8 PM}, [30/12/2020] Sikkim Dear Labhlaxmi Power Wednesday Lottery Result 9th Draw {6 PM}, [30/12/2020] Sikkim Dear Labhlaxmi Silver Wednesday Lottery Result 9th Draw {4 PM}. ... For any query regarding admission, please mail at mentioning application number and subject applied. August 26, 2020 college, Hello friends – Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Govt College is an affiliated college located in Darjeeling district. Student can choose any Science subject as a HGEC or GGEC fourse and all such candidates shall be admitted on the basis of the admission Test/Screening to be conducted by the College Authority Concerned to assess the aptitude of the candidate in the relevant subject. ii) In addition to i) above, a candidate also has to do 4 courses in Discipline Specific Elective (ADSE) in his/her chosen Honours subject area. Extended date for admission to Sem-II & Sem-IV 25/1/2020: Notice for Admission to UG Courses, 2020 10/8/2020: Admission notice -2 12/8/2020: admission cancellation procedure 11/9/2020: Inviting application for admission to selected courses 4/10/2020: PG Admission Notification 2020 3/11/2020: Admission to UG courses 4/12/2020 N O T I C E : 04/APC/Adm/UG/20 Date : 11.09.2020 Admission cancellation procedure In case an applicant wishes to cancel his/her admission, he/she is required to cancel it online (mandatory) in the admission portal. Course of studies provided he/she has also passed in English having full marks not being less than 100. degree in Economics if he/she earns required number of credits in the structure appropriate for B.A. JRC UG Online Admission/Counselling from 1st Merit List will be started on 07.12.2020 (11.00 am to 11.00 pm). c) Home Science : Human Development, Social Science. A candidate taking up General Course of study for the B.A. degree shall study : i) Any two subjects from the Commerce Group, which shall consist of 8 core courses (GCOR) taking 4 courses from each subject. Australian Pacific College (APC) is a forward-thinking institution offering a variety of vocational courses from Certificates to Advanced Diplomas, and now the recently launched Graduate Diploma. Candidate Fill All Details which asked Application Form. The admission sub-committee formulates rules for admission following the guidelines of the University. The Vice Chancellor’s decision shall be comunicated to the Executive Council of the University. Acharya Prafulla Chandra College has been released the latest notification about merit list 2020-21 at the official website. 18. ii) The medium of instruction for the B.B.A. 13. I am passionate about Blogging & Digital Marketing. The year of admission shall not be taken into account while calculating 3 years from the year of passing the previous qualifying examination. Divisions of Honours and General subjects B.A./B.Sc. A Hons. 3(b) Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) examination or its equivalent from the All India Boards/Councils (i.e. We are given all details in this article Application Form Fees, Application Process, Last Date, Age Limit, etc. APC College Merit List 2020 (Released) @ | Acharya Prafulla Chandra College 8th Merit List: The higher authority of Acharya Prafulla Chandra College released the APC College 8th Merit List 2020. NSOU UG Admission 2020-21 (Released):-Netaji Subhas Open University has recently released the online admission form for various courses like BA B.Sc MA M.SC Application Form at are hereby instructed to take admission in 4th Sem positively within the stipulated period. ii) The evaluation and assessment pattern under CBCS system will be regulated as per provisions of the regulation which will be in force at eh time of the said examination. All such cases of fresh admission have to be preceded with the cancellation of earlier registration. Foreign Nationals will have to pay the fees five times higher than the Indian Nationals. Adireddy Bhavani Wiki, Age, Photos, Family, Bio, Caste, Biography & More. APC College Siliguri Merit List 2020: released on 13 June 2020. I : Physics, Zoology, Education, Film Studies, Physical Education, Human Rights, Women Studies. A. G. C. Bose College › View College Detail UG Admission 2020 › Admission Notices (UG) › APPLY NOW 2020 A. J. C. Bose College › View College Detail UG Admission 2020 › Admission Notices (UG) › APPLY NOW 2020 Acharya Prafulla Ch. Step I: Login to the College portal The College Principals will login to their respective portals using their registered ids and passwords. 24.12.2020 - Goenka College of Commerce and Business Administration, Kolkata ADMISSION: Under Graduate Schedule & Guidelines for Registration Fee Payment, 2020. degree in Economics if both the disciplines chosen for Generic Electives are from the Arts & Humanities group (as given in Sec 7b). degree in Economics if he/she earns required number of credits in the structure appropriate for B.Sc. Admission to Honours / General / Major Course. in the following subjects by taking atleast one Generic Elective subject from the Group of Science / Home Science. A candidate shall be allowed to take up the subject(s) under heading ‘(A)’ if he/she had passed the subject(s) under heading ‘(B)’ at the previous qualifying examination. ii) The candidate also has to choose 6 courses in Discipline Specific Elective (GDSE) in his/her above chosen 3 subject areas. 15. APC College Merit List 2020: Acharya Prafulla Chandra College Final Merit List has been declared on 25th August 2020.Download Acharya Prafulla Chandra College Merit list 2020-21 from the links provided below. 2nd Phase of PG Admission for both Part-A & Part-B, 2020. of Higher Education, Govt. So those are candidate apply online who all candidate check some steps for apply online which given us below. ADMISSION NOTICE: Notice No. Arealnews site available all Category given us below, APC College Admission Form 2020-21 – | Acharya Prafulla Chandra College Online Application Form Last Date Here, Candidate Must have 12th Passed with Good marks for APC UG Admission 2020-21, Candidate Must have UG Degree with Good Markes recognized any board for PG Admission, Kota University Admission 2020-21 – Course shall be a 6 semester course extending over three academic years. Candidates who want to get admission in Netaji Subhas Open University Admission 2020 and NSOU UG Admission 2020-21 can check here all the details we provide in this article. However, the following restrictions supersede the previous clause. Candidates who wish to take admission have to fill up the Application Form and submit it before the due date. Late Haripada Biswas was the founder secretary of this college. ii) In addition to i) above, a candidate also has to do 4 courses in Discipline Specific Elective (ADSE) in his / her chosen Honours subject area. Gr. iii) The candidate also has to choose two courses from one subject (other than the subjects chosen above under sec 10.1) as a Generic Elective Course (GGEC). (Hons.)/B.Sc. (Hons.) A candidate taking Honours Course in B.Com./B.A./B.Sc. VII : Statistics, Physiology, English. In addition the candidate has to do 2 core courses in English language (ENGLCOR) and two core courses in Modern Indian Language (LCOR). and Genl.) However, in all cases such transfers will be efected after due approval of the application of the candidate concerned alongwith requisite non refundable fees to the University administration without contravening the provisions of the Regulation inforce. Email: Phone: 0302 213820 ext 6018 Phone: 0302 213820 ext 2637 Phone: 026-095-0170, 020-048-0431, 020-048-0344, 024-398-5001. Paper code for the courses will be SSEC. IV : Botany, Economics, Food and Nutrition. For all admission and re-admission cases, the provisions of this regulation in consonance with the Act and Statute of the University, guidelines issued by the West Bengal Higher Education Council and Department of Higher Education, Govt. These are same as used in previous years. ii) The candidate also has to study 2 Skill Enhancement courses (SEC) from any subject of his choice across the different disciplines offered by the institute where he/she is studying. A student shall be given B.Sc. Welcome to APC College. So APC College in this manner will activate the online the admission link for the interested candidates. Degree shall study : i) Any three subjects from the Science Group / Home Science Group which shall consist of 12 core courses (GCOR) taking 4 courses from each subject. A candidate taking General Courses in B.Com. According to official notification APC College UG Admission Form 2020-21 released on Official Website. Then You get an Application ID on Email id & Mobile Number. of West Bengal, relating to admission at UG level courses, 2020, the candidates intending to apply online are permitted to do so with no application charges. or B.A. According to official notification APC College MA MSC MCOM Admission Form 2020-21 released soon on Official Website. Dear students those are Apply Online APC College Application Form 2020-21 who all Candidate know that Application Form released on official Website. {} APC College Admission 2021 – Kolkata – online admission for pg/ug courses starting/last date. Check Acharya Prafulla Chandra College Admission Form 2020-21, Required Eligibility, Exam Date, Admit Card, Result Here. ii) The candidate also has to study 4 Skill Enhancement courses (SEC) from any subject of his choice across the different disciplines offered by the institute where he/she is studying. Candidate Uploaded required all documents on the Application Form. In this post we have discussed A.P.C College Siliguri Admission in various courses for 2020-2021 session in 1st year. degree shall study : i) In addition to what has been mentioned above a candidate under the General stream has to complete two courses under Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course. VIII : Anthropology, Computer Science, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu. Mandatory Subject Requirement (at H.S. (a) A candidate taking up Honours Course in a subject must obtain : However, if in any Honours subject, the number of applications are so low that even the permitted intake of the colleve cannot be filled up, then the Principal may use his discretionary power to reduce the minimum requirement for admission in that subject. Gr. General and chooses at least one discipline from science group besides economics. 43-SS(CA/A)2020 dated 13-08-2020, circulated from the Department of Higher Education Govt. The admission sub-committee formulates rules for admission following the guidelines of the University. APC Roy Govt College Merit List 2020. Kolkata - 700131, West BengalTelephone: (033)-2537-3297 / 2537-8797Email:, Chemistry/Physics and Biology/Biotechnology, Computer Application/Computer Science/Mathematics, Economics /Statistics / Mathematics/ Biology. - Rs.60 Application Online Processing Fee Rs.100/-(All Courses) (b) However, candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe Community taking up Honours Course of study must have obtained a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate and 40% marks in the subject or related subjects at the previous qualifying examination, as the case may be.However, candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribe community taking up Honours Course of study must have obtained a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate or 40% marks in the subject or related subjects at the previous qualifying examinations, as the case may be. Acharya Prafulla Chandra College Admission 2020 Seat Capacity for UG: Number of seats subject-wise is variable and administrated by the authority at the time of APC College admission. 3(c) Any dispute regarding eligibility criteria would be resolved by the Equivalence Committee set up by the University or by the Executive Council in its absence. Music. On the basis of seats the merit list and cut off marks are prepared and called students to join the Acharya Prafulla Chandra College counselling schedule. To take up Honours in any subject, the candidate has to pass in that “subject” or “any related subject” in the H.S. & Gen. ) of the college , ( Jan'20 to June' 20) that online admission iñ 4th Sem. Check course wise admission process, application form, eligibility, merit list, selection criteria, fees, news and more. 10. (Hons. 1st Admission List of APC Roy Government College Siliguri subject wise is available now.Siliguri A.P.C Roy College Admission 2020-21 form fill up for Honours & General Course is over. College]. The candidate (Foreign Nationals) will have to show “Original Copy” of Certificate of Madhyamik (or equivalent), Certificate of Higher Secondary (or equivalent) and original Passport (along with Visa) at the time of admission. A candidate taking up Honours Course for B.Sc. ii) In addition to 13 i) above, a candidate also has to do 4 courses in Discipline Specific Elective (ADSE) in his/her chosen Honours subject area. However, in cases where the provisions fail to claify any regulation or is ambiguous in its interpretation, the matter shall be referred to the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor whose decision in the said matter would be final. iii) B.B.A. iii) However, that other things remaining the same, a candidate may take up Honours course in the B.Sc. So all Applicant those are waiting for Apply Online APC College PG Admission Form 2020-21 who all candidates keep read our article because we are given apply online direct link which given the end of the article. course shall be a pass in Higher Secondary (General/Vocational) from West Bengal Council of Secondary Education or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the West Bengal State University with at least 55% marks for General Candidates (50% for S.C./S.T. Transfer of candidates from one affiliated college to another will be possible as per the provisions laid out in the regulation of CBCS system which will be in force at the relevant time. 14. In pursuance of the notification Memo. More details of JRC Admission, Jhargram Raj College 2020 merit list, Jhargram Raj College UG Admission etc. For all such re-admission the provisions fo this regulation in consonance with the Act and Statute of the University and the guidelines issued by the West Bengal Higher Education Council from time to time should be followed. 8. A student will be given B.Sc. Candidate Recheck Filled Application Form. There shall be no common Admission Test : instead College(s) shall hold group discussions followed by interview for such admission. VI : Geography, Molecular Biology, Psychology, Philosophy, Microbiology, Journalism & Mass Communication. Degree Course shall study : i) Honours in any one subject of the Humanities Group, which shall consist of 14 core courses (ACOR) and any two other subjects as Generic Elective Courses (HGEC) which shall consist of 4 courses (two courses from each discipline) taking at leat one from Humanities Group. 4(a) For the B.A./B.Sc. The students who are willing to take admission in the undergraduate courses can check the course details by visiting the … Regulations for Admission to the Six Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (General) Course of Studies, a candidate is required to choose two main disciplines and for Generic Elective courses the student is required to choose a third discipline, from among Group-I to Group-VIII as follows by taking not more than one disciplines from any of the groups mentioned hereunder : Gr. Degree shall study : i) Any two subjects from the Humanities Group, which shall consist of 8 core courses (GCOR) taking 4 courses from each discipline. Candidate Must have a Domicile Certificate. APC college merit list 2020 Final admission list. Those desirous to do so will seek permission from the University Authority. APC College Online Application Form 2020-21 Last Date. So, aspirants who applied for Acharya Prafulla Chandra College UG Admissions 2020 can check the Merit List. Admissions Unit . course shall be English and candidates will have to answer the examination papers in English only. N O T I C E : 05/APC/Adm/UG/20 Date : 04.11.2020 As per the GO no. No. In case of discontinuation of Studies, the candidate concerned can be permitted only fresh admission with the issuance of new Registration (in cancellation of the earlier registration) after submission of an affidavit from a 1st class Judicial Magistrate that he/she has not taken admission under any other University / Institution in the intervening period. Positively within the stipulated period session in 1st year article and know all details in this article Application fees! ( GDSE ) in his/her above chosen 2 subject areas over three academic.. Group discussions followed by interview for such admission Part-A & Part-B, 2020 Caste, Biography & more! / Home Science: Human Development, History, Environmental Science of modern technology, provides! 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