We’ll have to look into that more! Depop. A 2019 survey revealed that the average American spends $1,497 per month on non-essential items, which can add up to almost $18,000 a year. That's a lot of stuff cluttering up people's homes, attics and garages. Thanks for mentioning it. I’m sorry there’s not an easier way that I am aware of. Start by preparing your item for sale as best as you possibly can. Declutter your home. Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. Are you trying to sell something here inside the comments? Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. Less of a place to sell but more of how to keep caps coming from one merchant in general. Only specific shops will be open to buying your items. As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. If you need money fast, try selling your unwanted items on Decluttr. Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price. At a Doctors you can sell any pickable flowers/herbs like Violet Snowdrop, Creeping Thyme, Currants, etc. Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. These apps are cool but you guys completely forgot about the App “Want It” Its a newer app but if it’s in your city it’s for sure the best app to buy and sell on. let’s look at some of those handy websites. Many online sellers don’t do this, so you’ll make your listing stand out. If you still have stuff to sell, then just wait 72 hours (in game) and repeat with the merchants. You can sell items on Ebay, Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, Mercari, etc. Craigslist is one of the best places to start as an online seller. Here are some online places to sell your stuff. I may end up starting the game from scratch for the sake of experiencing it again, but if I'm gonna do so, I want to at least be able to find that place. There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site. Do they want what’s best for their readers, or have they been bought by all of the listed sites? A dictum of Feng Shui holds that the clutter in your life blocks you from moving toward your future. Being a new reader, I’m quite impressed. As the need for the classes grew, Chris launched Money Peach in 2015. I can barely find the time to ship presents to my family and friends, let alone ship … report. Other online sites for selling your stuff CDs, DVDs and games Recycling for profit is a quick and simple way to save old items from landfill and earn a few pounds at the same time. The app works like instagram in the way that imagery is most important, along with trendy brands and styles or course. Declutter your home. Red Dead Redemption 2 features a looting mechanic which can result in you carrying around a number of different items in your inventory. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item. Their waypoint is close to the store and they got 8000 caps. Start with one box or one corner. Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Grab the free budget mini course where I will give you a budget and show you exactly how to use it! NPC inventory is obviously more limited. When you’re ready to sell, put your stuff into a box, attach the label provided by Decluttr and drop it off at your nearest UPS outlet. Setting Goals How to Make a Budget Best Budgeting Apps Managing Your Debt Credit Cards. While we don’t know enough about Brisksale to add them to our list yet, we did provide a link in one of the comments above. Do you shop on Amazon? When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. Find items to sell. 78% Upvoted. Do a search for the items online to get a sense of how much you'll get for them. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%. We haven’t heard of that one, but we’ll look into it. Find out the best places for selling your unwanted items & make some cash right now. It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites. I wish you luck! Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping. normalguycap - 6 years ago. You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees. Sell your old bike and gears for a great price at Pro Tested Gear. Amazon accounts for almost half of all retail sales online. You type in the book’s ISBN (the number on the inside of the book cover or jacket) and the app will make you an instant offer. Great! You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Toss out or donate the stuff you don't plan to sell. Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options, Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible, Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer, If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut, ← Top 7 Sites to Sell Your Used Textbooks, Best Places to Cash a Personal Check When You Don’t Have a Bank Account →. Sell.com. Smiths ofc because you want to buy ingots to lvl up smithing + You sell stuff for 3000+ instead 1000 = Trade loot you find for ingots. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons. We first considered the speed of sale, fair pricing, and ease of use. You can sell items on Ebay, Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, Mercari, etc. And many more. For garage sale apps, skip to the next section. You don’t want to ignore the biggest online shopping website in the world. Selling your stuff might seem like a daunting task, but don't worry, we're here to guide you through the process so that you can make a quick and easy sale. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount. Once they see the better offer, they will update your offer to beat their competitors and notify you once it’s ready to go. Read reviews and choose the best app to sell stuff from top brands including Ebay, Facebook, CraigsList and more. You can get paid via a mailed check (USPS First Class Mail) or get your money sent to your PayPal instantly (or up to 24 hours). Market knowledge is what matters. Robyn, this is the second comment from you about Brisksale Don’t worry, we added a link so the readers can see Brisksale above this one ☝️, What’s up with Robyn? While generally intended as a place to sell used textbooks ― and who doesn’t want to buy their college books for less? The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live. Pro Tested Gear. You will learns some awesome tips along with best practices when using these sites to buy or sell. Here are the top 12 places to sell stuff online for free (or without paying an arm and a leg): Craigslist. This means that the store takes your items, puts them up for sale for you and then gives you a percentage of the profits when the items sell. If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own. Poshmark is a major hit with clothing consigners. With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. One of the best ways to speed up the path to your financial success is by turning your stuff into cash. People in the game say that there is a place where you can seel stuff for money, but... For the life of me, I can't find it. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. Not quite as high as BuyBack Boss, but still worth taking a look at. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers. Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. Cash-for-clutter site musicmagpie.co.uk is where CDs, DVDs and video games can be traded in – as long as you have a minimum of 10 items. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, have another person there with you when someone comes to view the item. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well. Thank you for sharing this great information, Chris. There are listings for 1 bottle of Bath and Body works lotion for $65.00 and a Bath and Body works candle for $70.00….hmmmm. And many others as well, including Collectibles. best. Go around your house and look for anything that you don’t want anymore. Therefore, it may not be a bad idea to take some of that “junk” your friends are throwing away and turn that into some quick cash! You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas. How does one handle sales of large items that can’t be transported to a public location? Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. Find a central place in your home to store the items you want to sell. Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Your email address will not be published. If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly. I'm new to the series. For example, if you’re selling your Kindle because you got a new iPad, and are using the Kindle app instead, say that in the listing so people don’t wonder if there’s something wrong with your e-reader. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe. Generally, yes. It can be overwhelming to sort through your stuff. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. Many bad traders blame the imaginary "big trading guild consortium" but that doesn't exist. Sell newer electronic items on eBay, through Craigslist, or the classified section of your local newspaper. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You would just have to explore each one you are interested in to see if those permissions are required or not. You can search by category, by specific item or by city. There are scammers out there. Before the Internet, if you wanted to sell new or used items, you were limited to local garage sales, flea markets, bazaars, or consignment. If you're unsure about keeping or selling an item, think about the last time you used and enjoyed it. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days. Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. They started going against the society standards of misbehaving with money and made the decision to take back control of their lives and money. I’ve tried just about all of the apps mentioned above and used letgo the most until a friend told me about Wantit but you just can’t beat it its a solid solution. We didn’t answer. Thanks for sharing! Best Selling Apps Top Apps to Sell Stuff Online. . Start by preparing your item for sale as best as you possibly can. This post may contain affiliate links or links from our sponsors. Why? In many cases, listing your goods with these services is free, and you simply pay a fee when your items sell. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online. . Below I will show you where to sell items in Red Dead Redemption 2. 1. Here’s a list of companies that will pay you in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. While Letgo & Offerup selling apps are the most well-known ones, there are many more apps and sites out there and it’s important to keep in mind that each place has its own fees. Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app. 6stringsoffire 10 years ago #6. acerpg007 - 9 years ago. Collectibles, exercise equipment, furniture, electronics that aren’t too old … After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. 65 Places to Sell Your Stuff Online for Extra Money, 10 Things You Can Make and Sell for Extra Cash, Here Are Some Great Tips on How to Make Quick Cash Online, How to Make Money Self-Publishing on Amazon, Here Are 7 Apps That You Can Use to Start a Side Hustle, How to Make Money from Home Quickly and Easily, The 8 Best Places To Buy Glasses Online in 2020, Get Money for Your Home Business without Going Into Debt. Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers. I have already beaten the game and gotten the true end, but I still can't find that place. I minden some Ore and the put it in a box now I don't know how to sell it I'm at Port olisar. This first section has apps that allow you to list separate items. You can collect payment via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle or even cash, and just leave your shoes on your doorstep. 1. Take a few minutes to list stuff and set your prices, and you can get paid minus a 10% selling fee. In some cases, the resources listed below will let you set a price. You risk having your item returned for a refund and getting a bad rating if you deceive buyers. SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling. It helps to have a sense of what's the fair market value of the item you're selling. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.). That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits. Yup, the Pawn Shop. Take a quality picture of your item. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Swappa allows users to buy and sell their stuff directly, which makes the prices more affordable. When you sell stuff online, you’ll have two options: local or national. It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers. Thanks! There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy. We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. Personally I … Within seven months they paid off $52,000, started saving like crazy and began building real wealth. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo. When Chris isn’t at “work” he can be found at the Crossfit gym or riding on the fire truck — Chris is also a full-time firefighter in Phoenix, Arizona. They have three simple steps when it comes to selling your old phone. 1. Do a search for the items online to get a sense of how much you'll get for them. I may end up starting the game from scratch for the sake of experiencing it again, but if I'm gonna do so, I want to at least be able to find that place. Selling locally means you don’t have to worry about calculating postage or shipping things. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Where can you sell loot You will come across many merchants in the game, but at the very beginning of the game the first shops / merchants where you can sell your junk loot are: Drumlin Diner to the southeast of Concord, left of Starlight Drive In. Fast travel to doctors and merchants I know sell them. Sort by. Sell Your Stuff. Your Own Site. You need to look at reliability, relevance, customer experience, and costs while deciding where to sell your stuff. ~ Elizabeth. If you plan to sell a lot of stuff, or you just want to get the best price for the few items that you do sell, then follow our tips on how to sell used stuff successfully, whether it’s online or offline. The better the condition, the more money you can make. Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. AptDeco is an online furniture resale site specifically for the New York City metro area. depending on what you find. Fast travel to doctors and merchants I know sell them. Accessed Nov. 2, 2020. The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more. She was the Home Business Expert for The Balance Small Business in 2013. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests. When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. For me, posting my stuff for a national or regional audience was not my desired option. Decluttr. OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. And more. I usually store the stuff I find and put it in a home I own, pick up a weapon or two when I need ammo and sell it as I buy more ammo. Here are some tips for finding free stuff to sell online (or locally!) Robyn, I am not sure what you are talking about. Ex-Boyfriend Jewelry. Some, however, sell your stuff on consignment just like consignment shops near you do. depending on what you find. We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc. Craigslist. LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. If you don’t want the hassle of shipping your stuff, sell it on Nextdoor. Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item. Though it sounds very complicated, selling stuff online via a self-created eCommerce website is a cake walk. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. All it takes is a little bit of work hunting for free items to sell. Also, separate vintage and collectible items. It’s a no-fuss site that lets you sell your items through classified ads for free. Best Banks … They let you sell anything, including “products, services, vehicles and homes” and you have the ability to list products online or locally, as well as local services or virtual services like web or logo design, or home repair, tutoring, etc. As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf! Turn that old phone into quick cash by getting the highest price for your old phone – guaranteed. I've found two ways to sell stuff. If you have a ton of unwanted and unused items, there could be a source of extra income, as well as cleaning out space in your home. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds. Now that you know the type of places where you can sell stuff, let’s take a look at the list. 7 Easy Steps to Sell Stuff Online 1. Also, if you have are selling your old phone, definitely compare the price with BuybackBoss because of Buyback’s highest price guarantee. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. I found a merchant at Undead Bulg but I can't seem to sell my stuff to him, where/who can I sell stuff to? It only takes a few minutes to sell your items, and you receive next-day payment. Sell Your Stuff. In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. All it takes is a little bit of work hunting for free items to sell. Thx. People in the game say that there is a place where you can seel stuff for money, but... For the life of me, I can't find it. If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash. With a Trustpilot rating of 4.8 out of 5 and the best-price guarantee, BuybackBoss is a no-brainer for selling your stuff online. There are lots of different shops and locations you can purchase stuff from in Yakuza Kiwami but much like in Yakuza Zero, there’s only one place you can sell items – and it’s the same. Let me apologize and we will allow our readers to do their own research on Brisksale here. Be honest about the condition. The other option is to try to sell your stuff locally through a Facebook sales group or other group in your community. 1. Interested party said they wanted to arrange shipping to West Africa. If you have other electronics besides a cell phone, Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless. Also, separate vintage and collectible items. How to Sell Your Stuff for the Most Money. These sites make it easy to have all your items for sale in one place: Amazon is the go-to place to sell used books for many people, but there are a host of other options, especially if you have textbooks to sell. Sites to sell stuff online. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. User Info: 6stringsoffire. BuybackBoss is another great place to sell your old phone because they guarantee the MOST money when it comes to selling your old phone. Who Should Use Apps That Sell Your Stuff? Looking for the best ways to sell your stuff online? How to sell your unwanted stuff. And more. If you want to sell something online, start here. Sell Your Stuff Online. Many of the resources below have specific rules and policies you need to abide by. How do I sell my stuff on eBay? Before you know it, the junk taking up room in your home will be replaced with cold, hard cash. The fact that BriskSale.com is not on here shows the writer hasn’t done their research. Craigslist is a very well-known platform, and it still remains a great place to sell your stuff. You can be assured that every item is well reviewed and approved by the staff. “Indigo blue, size 10, Ralph Lauren Polo from non-smoking home” will stand out over “Blue Polo Shirt.”. eBay will automatically recognize your UPC, ISBN, part number or product name. Gt = WildMN34 Currently playing: Fallout 3, Red Dead Redemption, Left 4 Dead 2. Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. ... Free and with no transaction fees, 5Miles, an app for local selling and buying, is another option for selling stuff locally. Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell. We will have to check several of these out. In some cases, the resources listed below will let you set a price. Hi Nancy, you have a lot of great options if you don’t want to meet people in person because of COVID. When they said yes, I sent sure, but you’ll have to pay up front including shipping charges, even offered that could pay me with Paypal. I have looked at the apps for Poshmark, Mercari, and a couple of others and the permissions they ask for in order to download the app are too intrusive. Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Keep up the hard work and thank you! 20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly. 1. Identify key information about your item - brand, type, size, weight, colour, etc. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale. Hi Chris, There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work. Earn cash by selling your stuff on Amazon.co.uk. User Info: acerpg007. Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site). Find the latest stuff for sale on Gumtree. Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. If it’s in good condition and you think it has value, add it to your list. Not much more to know about LetGo. As we have some furniture we want to sell and a host of other items too. Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell. OfferUp, for example, stood out for its versatility—you can sell almost anything on the nearly decade-old app—and its huge network of users. Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I need more stimpacks I just go in a circle. Ladder Life Insurance. Is there any selling site (other than Ebay) that doesn’t require me to download an app onto my phone that asks for permissions to my contact list, the ability to change the information on my SD card, etc. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. This guide explains Where To Sell Items In Yakuza 5 Remaster as unlike traditional RPG games, you cannot simply visit any store to sell your goods. Look them up, we’ve been selling on there and the support people are very nice. Here are some of the best places where you can start selling: Amazon. Yes, there’s no reason to let stuff sit around taking up valuable real estate space in our homes. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. Required fields are marked *. The same budget I used to pay off $52k in debt, save money and build wealth! Here are some tips for finding free stuff to sell online (or locally!) Sites to sell stuff online. It isn't necessarily an easy project to undertake, but if you're a people person, you might get bitten by the bug and start looking for more stuff to sell. You can open your own eCommerce website, but for ease and affordability, you can use a service. 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