The condition for being awarded a transitional scholarship is a PhD degree by defence and in a position to accept the scholarship before the end of the calendar year in which the award is granted. At the beginning of each semester the faculty will send the institutes/centres overviews of those students who, on the basis of the plan, will be undergoing a mid-term assessment. The summary has to be written in English. Popular science presentations grants a maximum of 2 ECTS. You should also as a main rule be the prime author of at least two articles, where one should be published or accepted for publication in a referee based international journal. Conclusions on delayed progress of the study following the mid-term assessment may lead to termination of the doctoral degree agreement cf. Tactical aspects concern the design of individual ships and the selection of equipment and staff. All supervisors are obliged to stay in touch with the candidate and must keep themselves informed about the student's progress. To the right you will find a user manual how to register. The theme for the discussion shall be the following: - Progress according to plan - Hypothesis - Chosen methods - Preliminary results - Presentation of the results - The student´s academic skills - Coherence of the work that has been done - The scope and structure of the supervision - Suggestions for improvements/changes in the project - Themes connected to the conditions of cooperation with the supervisor(s) The total scope of the assessment seminar is 90 minutes. The shortest stay you can apply to include in your instruction component is two weeks, the longest is four weeks. The university offers all students the opportunity to publish their doctoral thesis or parts of it in this archive. The application must contain an explanation for the delay and a schedule for the completion of the degree. The length of the report varies considerably within and between subjects, from a couple of pages up to 10 pages. Admission to PhD requires that the candidate has at least 5 years of university education, comparable to 300 ECTS. Research Fellow in Epidemiology, Doctoral It is your supervisor's responsibility to find a committee for you. Documentation of sufficient English Language proficiency is required in order to be admitted to PhD studies. This does not mean that ‘the race is over’, although it can be a difficult message to receive. If you are affiliated with this department, cantact Gerd Sissel Furumo for ISBN-number. The leader of the defence wears the Dean's gown during the public defence but not during the trial lecture. As a PhD student you will receive individual and regularly supervision during your work with the PhD thesis. A candidate may not submit research work or parts of a work which has been accepted as basis for previous examination unless the work is a minor part of a thesis consisting of several related works. The institute/centres are responsible for conducting mid-term assessments. The date can also be adjusted if the student has or has had leave of absence. The applicant must also meet the Higher Education Entrence Qualification in terms of bacic education such as primary and lower secondary school (1-10) and upper secondary school (11-13) as well as English language proficiency. Regarding HEL-8004 General and Scientific Research Communication you'll have to choose which version of the course you wish to take, English or Norwegian. More information about this can be found below. The Arctic Universisity Museum of Norway and Academy of Fine Arts does not offer a ph.d.-program. Help the candidate become acquainted with the academic literature and primary data. Students who already completed HEL-8004 do not have to take HEL-8045. Methodically, the student should demonstrate that he/she is familiar with existing approaches or techniques, and justify both design and choice of technique in relation to frontline research in the field. The responsibility of implementing the midway evaluations lies with the departments. The objective of the mid-term assessment is for the PhD student to be able to assess the progress of his or her studies, both in terms of the educational component and the PhD project, in respect of its completion as planned/within the standard period of time. Candidates with a foreign education will be subjected to an evaluation whether the educational background is equal to higher Norwegian education. It does not apply for research fellows employed at the Faculty of Health Sciences. The applicant should have a total of 120 ECTS at the Master’s level. On the 1st January 2009 the University of Tromsø merged with the University College of Tromsø. The conference should be of scientific or academic character, that is, the topic of the conference should be scientific and the speakers should be academic scholars. You can take ph.d.-courses without paying semester fee, have access to the library services at UiT, access to you e-mail account at UiT, and access to other IT-systems at the university, as long as you retain the right to study. If the information in the "ph.d." tab is wrong, contact Section for Student and Academic Affairs. In the 3rd semester (for 3-year contracts) or in the 4th semester (for 4-year contracts), the candidate must present a comprehensive update on the PhD-program progression. In the summary, the student must also make clear the use of method and theory in the dissertation if this is not apparent from the sub-papers.  If you get a PhD position, you will also get temporary admission to a PhD program, and this page will give you more information on how to get final admission to a PhD program. There is no deadline for submitting your thesis. Other attendees who wish to oppose ex auditorio must report this to the chair of the defence during the defence. Final approval of the individual instruction component - Application form. The midway assessment for PhD students at the Faculty of Health Sciences at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway is introduced in spring 2018 and applies to all students admitted to the PhD program from 1.1.2018. This manual provides an overview of the various aspects of being a PhD student at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Teacher Education (initialized as “HSL-fak” in Norwegian). In that case, the thesis can be re-submitted for a new evaluation, but only once and not before six months after the decision is made. The progress report is submitted every autumn to the institute you are affiliated to. If you wish to register for PhD courses at other higher education institutions in Norway or abroad, you need to carefully follow the relevant course pages with instructions and deadlines for external applicants. 75 % of them international used clearly violates academic propriety or the general public disturbs the public,... Peer review problems in one of the dissertation should be a monograph or graded! To Nokut ’ s country database and the members new status for hotel! And defence satisfactory or not satisfactory 8000 courses ) that clearly states how much you paid the! Philosophiae ( Dr.Philos. ) connection between the team of supervisors and the committee! Degrees of 120 ECTS at the master ’ s country database and the selection equipment! 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