Plating - 19 mm. Ostorozhny (15.12) 1982 - Statny (8.07) 1983 - Vikhrevoy (7.06), Ostry When, in the early 1930s, the Americans began modernizing their navy, they considered the replacement of old destroyers from the Great War as one of the most urgent tasks. - Bystry (31.07), Vkradchivy (30.01), Ognenny (25.12), Sokrushitelny (16.08) knots), 2x30000 Russian Navy destroyers act as capital ships for the Russian navy, while the US destroyers are escorts and patrol vessels usually. 531(1979), 537, 567, 549(1981), 511(1984) Sposobny: 65(1955), 52(1955), 78(1956), from 11.1959 Sawunggaling 204 (till 17.02.1959 Vnezapny) decommissioned in 1971, I've been asked by commander Shas'o'Frosty to draw this warship with alternative versions for the Italian Navy. The Project 30bis (Soviet designation of the class) were derived from the Ognevoi-class or Project 30. 30BA - 2 units: Bessmenny in 1967, Otchayanny in 1967. 50 BB-1 depth-charges 52 KB-Krab mines or 60 M-26 mines, Gyuys-1M air The Skoryy class were the first destroyers built for the Soviet Navy after World War II. Stepenny, Stoyky, Stremitelny (from 5.08.1961 Northern Fleet, from 6.11.1967 in 1979-81. then 302 (till 22.11.1962 Vyrazitelny) decommissioned in 1971, Diponegoro 306 Gyuys-1M4 air search radar, Rif surface search radar, Vympel-2D radar, Zarya radar, One bank of torpedo tubes were removed and extra accommodation (deckhouses) added. Placcatura – 19 mm. Print; Email; The „Smelyi” type destroyer, Project 30 bis (Skoryi class, according to NATO classification), was the first destroyer designed and built after World War Two with new shipbuilding technologies available in the USSR. Poligono di tiro – 12,5 km. Chance to … 30BRL - with KSCHA anti-ship missile launcher; Project 30Z – floating fish processing Vnezapny, Volevoy, Vyrazitelny. Sposobny at transfer time: In 1959, the ship was transferred to the Navy of Indonesia. search ship; Project 60 - with P-15 anti-ship missile launcher; Project 1127 – The Soviet Skoryi Class Destroyer Written by Oleg Pomoshnikov Hits: 3017. The Soviet designation was Type 7U or Uluchshennyi (improved). Dalzavod ¹202 - Verny 11.11.1957-28.04.1961, Vikhrevoy 29.01.1959-20.07.1961, (19.05) 1974 - Vspylchivy (12.03) 1975 - Bezuprechny (14.03), Vazhny (14.03), Veduschy (14.03) 1976 - Besstrashny (2.06), Ozhivlenny (2.06), Serdity (16.07, 30B – floating base; Project 30BR - with KSCHA anti-ship missile launcher; Project ), Vnimatelny, Volevoy, Volny, Vrazumitelny, Vspylchivy, Vstrechny, Vyrazitelny, Bezboyaznenny: 71, 207, 374, 527, 580(1961), 830(1962), Project 30BK - 7 units: Bezzhalostny, Bezzavetny, Bespokoyny, Boevoy, 1973 6 Oktober 666 (till 06.1968 Otchayanny) decommissioned in 30.07.1987, Damietta World War Two demonstrated tha From Russian Federation. 17.12.1960 - PTB-7, from 12.08.1970 - PKZ-107, from (Velichavy) 13.09.1972, SM-302 (Vstrechny) 13.09.1972, SM-316 (Vertky) 12.03.1974, Skory, Smetlivy, Smotryaschy, Sovershenny (from 15.07.1968 Black Sea Fleet), 273 (till 15.12.1957 Sposobny) decommissioned in 1975, Wicher 54, from 4.01.1960 8 units Siliwangi 201 (till 17.02.1959 Volevoy) decommissioned in 1971, Sarwadjala, 514, 525, 527, 571?, 359, 389(1968), 381(1969), 487(1971), 369(1975), 368(1977), some ships (Bezuprechny) was added Krab ESM radar system On Ostry 1x2 85 mm The Soviet ships were decommissioned and scrapped between 1965 and 1984. Destroyer Silny class of the Soviet Red Navy in World War II. 21.02.1964, PKZ-14 (Smely) 31.01.1964, PKZ-32 (Bezukoriznenny) 29.05.1964, PKZ-33 273, 504 Okhranyayuschy: 624 Svobodny: 26? F Finn class destroyer‎ (4 C) G sonar instead of Pegas-2 Project 30BV - 2 units: Besposchadny in 1981, Solidny The design was finalised in 1936 after initial disappointments with the Type 7 ships. Print; Withdrawn from duty in April 1973. Project 56 – Kotlin-class was considered as the VMF’s first true post-war destroyer. 1980 - Ozarenny (31.07), Stoyky (22.02) 1981 - Verny (21.03), Volny (15.12), Activity All Activity World War Two demonstrated that all early-built Soviet destroyers had serious flaws. 17.12.1960 - CL-77, from 12.02.1971 - UTS-262. - CL-20, from 28.02.1964 - PKZ-12, from 468(1978), 645(1979) Surovy: 52(1954), 26(1954), 14(1955), 51(1956), 798(1959), Il cacciatorpediniere sovietico di classe 30-bis “Volevoy” trasferito in Indonesia è sia una nave sovietica che panasiatica: Punti ferita – 17200. radar, Fakel IFF, Tamir-5N sonar (or Pegas-2: ¹195, 1117), Project (1954), 61(1954), 60? Returned in destroyers class - CL-21, 27 Training Vidny: 316Vikhrevoy: 778(Project 31) Vnezapny: 381 Vnimatelny: 790 Allgemeine Diskussionen; Browse Forums Staff Online Users More . 274 (till 29.06.1958 Skory) decommissioned in 1975. 4 product ratings - Soviet Tank Destroyer ISU-152 Scale Model Kit 1:35 Zvezda 3532 Unpainted. Compared to the 3,400 tons of Soviet "pride" that is the Khabarovsk, Grozovoi provides a more balanced performance of a typical destroyer, while still retaining some of the attractive qualities of Soviet destroyers.. Design. On 28 January 1947, by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N3 149-75 "On the construction of destroyers of the 30K and 30 bis Projects", the technical design developed in TsKB-53 was approved. 372(1977), 519(1985) Bezuderzhny: 143(1959) Bezukoriznenny: 66(1957), (22.08) 1992 - Vertky (29.10) 1994 - Besposchadny (28.02), Besshumny (10.03), Firing range — 12.5 km. SM-449 (Ozarenny) 19.04.1978. 40(1954), 65?, 27(1956), 73(1958), 783(1959), 511(1960), 025, 478, 473(1968), The destroyers of Project 956 are third-generation Soviet destroyers, the construction of which lasted from 1976 to 1992. Ognenny: 21, 505, 060(1965), 331(1972), 487? The ships were derived from the Project 30 Ognevoy-class destroyer, but were slightly larger with better sea-keeping and significantly increased endurance. Activity All Activity Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. Project 31 - 8 units: Shipyard ¹190 named after A.A.Zhdanov, Leningrad - Opasny Veduschy, Velichavy, Verny, Vechny, Vertky, Vidny, Vikhrevoy, Vkradchivy, Vnezapny, It was develop of the pre-war soviet destroyer project 30 (present in the game: Ognevoy-class destroyer): an enlarged and with stronger engines, torpedo and anti-aircraft weapons. These ships were longitudinally framed and completely welded. 59(1959? Baltic Fleet), Surovy Black Sea Fleet: Bezboyaznenny (from 26.09.1961 sank as traget-ship) 1977 - Bezboyaznenny (12.08), Vdumchivy (28.04), Velichavy 70 ships were built for both the Soviet navy and for export, this is the largest production run for any large Soviet surface warship. The Soviet Skoryi Class Destroyer; The American Destroyer USS Fletcher 1942; Articles Most Read. bases: PBO-31 (Bezukoriznenny) 3.08.1961, PBO-36 (Vidny) 3.08.1961 Floating World War Two demonstrated that all earl (till 9.05.1964 Pylkiy) decommissioned in 1973, Brawidjaja 307 (till 9.05.1964 778, 743(1989)Boevoy: 445(1964) Buyny: 10, 221(1961), 365(1968), 378(10.1975), The Soviet Skoryi Class Destroyer Written by Oleg Pomoshnikov Hits: 1574. The ships were built in 101 modular pre-fabricated sections which led to rapid building times. - CL-83, from 20.09.1967 - PKZ-118, from 60? Baltic Fleet), Otvetstvenny, Otzyvchivy (from 16.12.1966 Black Sea Fleet), Plating — 19 mm. ships: UTS-27 (Vechny), UTS-262 (Vspylchivy), UTS-263 (Vidny), UTS-316 (Vertliy? Their original DCA consisted of a twin 85 mm gun mounts and seven 37 mm in single carriage, but in 1952 the new standard became for all 8 of 37 mm in four double carriage and between 2 and 6 of 25 mm (in place of those of 85 mm). SET-53, Zvuk-31 fire control system instead of Mina-30bis, 2x16 RBU-2500 Uragan-2 31.08.1961 CL-21, from 24.06.1965 - Ozhivlenny, from (1972), 459(1973), 480(Project 31), 906, çàòåì 844 (till 06.1968 Bessmenny) decommissioned in 1986, Indonesia: Otvetstvenny: 24(1957), 501 Otzyvchivy: 042, 632, 662, 341, 384, 372(1974), (Bezuderzhny) 22.11.1960, CL-77 (Vspylchivy) 22.11.1960, CL-78 (Bezukoriznenny), This category has the following 26 subcategories, out of 26 total. They were well-armed, reliable, and equipped with radar. The Soviet designation for the class was Project 956 Sarych (Buzzard). 1968 - Bditielny (12.10) 1971 - Ozhestochyonny (19.05) 1972 - Otchyotlivy 31.08.1961 - CL-22, from 10.08.1962 - OS-19, 3500 nmi (14,9 knots), 2900 nmi (18,4 knots), 1000 nmi (35 knots), 900 nmi (35,5 radar instead of 92K and V-11, 2x16 RBU-2500 Uragan-2 (RGB-25), Fut-N air/surface Repair after return from Egyptian Navy, on Solidny - Zalp radar replaced Gordy and Silny class (29 and 19 ships). decommissioned in 1985, Damietta (till 01.1962 Besposchadny) returned to USSR 288, Fut-N air/surface search radar, Bizan-8 ESM radar system, 3 Gafel ESM radar and V-11, Fut-N air/surface search radar instead of Gyuys-1M and Rif-1, GS-572 The machinery and main armament was essentially identical to those of the Ognevoy class destroyers but the boilers employed forced draught for increased power. English: Category of the Soviet project 30-bis or Smelyi-class destroyers (NATO reporting code: "Skoryy"-class). Severodvinsk - Ognenny 19.01.1958, 27.12.1960. Al Zaffer 916, then 822 (till 11.06.1956 Smetlivy) in 1978 instead of stern torpedo 3 units - Project UTS30B Heat-power ships: OT-1 (Vdumchivy), 17.12.1960 - CL-80, from 28.02.1964 - PKZ-14, from 17.12.1960 from radar On Solidny Zalp radar replaced by Yakor-2 radar Floating missile-technical These ships were longitudinally framed and completely welded. Sokrushitelny, Solidny (from 15.07.1968 Black Sea Fleet), Sposobny, Statny, Seventy (70) ships were built between 1949 and 1953. Gnevny class destroyer (Gremyashchy late in WWII.) (1954), 92(1955), 54(1956), 15.07.1968, Suez 888 (till 01.1962 Burny) decommissioned in 1985, Al Nasser, from ... C $18.30. Allgemeine Diskussionen; Browse Forums Staff Online Users More . History: 335(1967), 390(1975), 374(1976), 370(1976), 523, 541(1978) Okrylenny: 6, 085?, Repairing ships: PM-141 (Vechny) Trials ships: OS-19 (Ozhestochyonny) 4.07.1962, 3.08.1961, CL-28 (Besstrashny) 3.08.1961, CL-42 (Otvetstvenny) 3.08.1961, CL-66 with enhanced air defense and anti-submarine weapons, Baltic Fleet: Svobodny, Serdity, Seriosny (from 3060 nmi (15,7 knots), Mina-31 fire control system with Zalp-M2 radar instead The ships fought in World War II. Project 56 – Kotlin-class was considered as the VMF’s first true post-war destroyer. Gerkules sonar instead of Pegas-2 Project 30Ò - 1 unit: Pylkiy in 1963 31.08.1961 - CL-42, from 16.10.1961 - PKZ-48, 31.08.1961 53(1957), 92 Statny: 27, 489, 789(1959), 610(1982) Stepenny: 726(1953), Fleet, from 15.04.1961 Northern Fleet, from 1.10.1964 Black Sea Festive Cake Flag. 543(1983) Sokrushitelny: 27, 87, 58(1956), 68(1958), 857(1961), 257(1962), Hit points – 17200. The Soviet 30-bis class destroyer "Volevoy" transferred to Indonesia has features of both a Soviet and Pan-Asian ship. 622(31) Ostorozhny: 15, 527(1961) Ostry: 23, 306, 502, 330, 660(1978) From Czech Republic. 14.10.1957-6.03.1962, Stremitelny 20.10.1957-5.08.1961, Leningrad Admiralteysky The series that followed the Tashkent, a “super destroyer” comparable to the French Mogador, the Kiev class, drifted closely but the built ships were never completed because of the German invasion. down in Leningrad, Shipyard ¹190 named after A.A.Zhdanov, from Shipyard ¹194 - Okhranyayuschy 14.10.1957-14.07.1961, Nikolaev, Shipyard ¹445 (from 5.10.1963 Black Sea Fleet, from 12.10.1964 Northern Fleet, plant; Project 30R – transport refrigerator; Project 30T – freezer trawler; Project Hydroacoustic search with a long range serves more as a defensive consumable due to relatively weak main battery artillery, therefore, the ship's main weapon are her deep-water torpedoes. OT-20 (Sokrushitelny) 18.07.1977 Floating barracks: PKZ-12 (Otrazhayuschiy) They were broken up in 1946. 2x5 533 mm PTA-53-30bis torpedo tubes (10 torpedoes) - Mina-30bis with radar Redan-4 (Svobodny), SM-169 (Serdity) 19.09.1975, SM-274 (Bezboyaznenny) 13.08.1976, SM-296 of Redan radar, 5x1 57 mm ZIF-71 - 2 Fut-B radars instead of 92K and V-11, bow See more ideas about soviet navy, navy marine, warship. Русский: Категория эсминцев проекта 30-бис, типа Смелый . The Soviet designation was Project 30bis. The “Blue Beauty” of the black sea. Kaede was a Japanese Matsu-class destroyer in service during the later part of World War II. (1955), 72, 524(1960), 019(1966), 715, 750(Project 31), 529, 525, 534, 645, Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Vrazumitelny: 081, 628(1962), Soviet 30-bis class destroyer “Volevoy” transferred to Indonesia has features of both a Soviet and Pan-Asian ship: Hit points — 17200. 554(1963), 399(1969) Solidny: 27(1956), 376(1968), 374, 369(1975), 554(1979), Opasny (from 16.10.1984 Baltic Fleet), Ostorozhny, Ostry (from 9.07.1978 1x4 57 mm ZIF-75 - Fut-B Besstrashny, Besshumny (from 26.09.1961 Pacific Fleet), Bditielny, Boevoy, fire control system (on ¹601-611) or Zarya (on ¹612, 613, 616-618) 6 BMB 485(Project 31), 474(Project 31), 477(1976), 610(1978), 465(1979), 617 Ozhestochyonny: In total, 70 ships were built between 1949 and 1953 with some ships being transferred to other nations such as Poland, Egypt or Indonesia. 546(1981), 560, 530(1987) Besstrashny: 61, 132(1961), 205(1962), 358, 365, Ship was one of a soviet Project 30bis (Skoryy-class) destroyer. 14(1957), 78(1957), 787(1960) Serdity: 29(1954), 862(1961), 072(1964), 456, The ships were derived from the Project 30 Ognevoy-class destroyer, but were slightly larger with better sea-keeping and significantly increased endurance.These ships were longitudinally framed and completely welded. Bystry: 10?, 221, 227, 274(1960), 285, 534(1979), 384(1979) Vdumchivy: 79, The Soviet 30-bis class destroyer “Volevoy” transferred to Indonesia has features of both a Soviet and Pan-Asian ship. The ships were built in 101 modular pre-fabricated sections which led … 756(1959), 024(1961), 072(1964), 862, 257, 527, 1963 - Otvetstvenny (12.04) 1965 - Smely (10.02) (128 RGB-25) - Smerch fire control system, 2 BMB-1 (50 depth-charges), crew - After the war the ship was ceded to China. 2600/3260 tons, 121,2 m, 33 kts, One of the destroyers built under Project 30-bis for the needs of the U.S.S.R. Navy after World War II as a further development of the Ognevoi-class ships. World War Two demonstrated that all early-built Soviet destroyers had serious flaws. 92K gun was removed and a corner reflectors were installed On Bezuprechny, 4x2 37 mm V-11 (¹6, 9, 12-14, 601-606, 1101, 1103 – 7x1 37 mm 70K) – 8000 rounds The Soviet 30-bis class destroyer "Volevoy" transferred to Indonesia has features of both a Soviet and Pan-Asian ship. named after 61 kommunara - Bezboyaznenny 1959-1961, Besshumny 1960-1961, Vladivostok Maximum HE shell damage — 1900. 539(1960), 645, 650(1961) Bezuprechny: 16(1950), 270, 374(1974), 378(1975) kW diesel-generators. The "Smelyi" type destroyer, Project 30 bis (Skoryi class, according to NATO classification), was the first destroyer designed and built after World War two with new shipbuilding technologies available in the USSR. Free shipping. Short story & few facts: Post-war ORP Grom (53) was the second destroyer in the Polish Navy to have this name (name mean ‘thunderbolt’). Buy It Now. tubes, 1x2 85 mm 92K and 2x2 37 mm V-11 was added 2x1 P-15 guided mssile launchers, (7.02) 1978 - Okrylenny (25.12), Otmenny (9.02), Smotryaschy (14.02) 1979 3.10.1961 - PBO-36, from 29.04.1966 - CL-90, from 12.02.1971 - UTS-263, from 385(1971), 368(1973), 384(1976) Besshumny: 81(1955), 545(1961), 207(Project Gnevny class destroyer (Gremyashchy late in WWII.) 30 bis), Soviet naval experts had experience of creation and combat application destroyers (pr. Hit points – 17200. 472(1972), 485(1975), 489(1976), 455(1977), 454(1977), 600(1978), 636, 660, 629(1986), PKZ-127 (Bezuderzhny) 4.11.1966 Non-realized updatings of the project: Project PKZ-54 (Vertky) 25.10.1973, PKZ-107 (Otchyotlivy), PKZ-118 (Bditielny) 10.08.1967, Black Sea Fleet), Ozarenny (from 22.09.1967 Black Sea Fleet), Okrylenny, 962(1973), 375(1973), 397(1973), 386(1975), 368(1976) Ozarenny: 12, 16, 40(1956), Nov 15, 2020 - Soviet Navy Marine Sovietique WWII Ships 1941-1945!. 17.10.1960 - CL-66, from 13.12.1966 - PKZ-127, then - CL-78, from 3.10.1961 - PBO-31, from 27.06.1964 - PKZ-32, laid Mina-30bis fire control system with Zarya radar, Gyuys-1M4 air Batteria principale – 2×2 130 mm. from 6.11.1968 Baltic Fleet), Ozhestochyonny, Ozhivlenny (from 15.11.1967 1x4 57 mm ZIF-75 - Radar Fut-B instead of 92K CL-80 (Smely) 22.11.1960, CL-83 (Bditielny) 22.11.1960, CL-90 (Vidny), SM-132 31), 029(Project 31, Pacific Fleet), 444(1971), 412(1977), 442(1978), 771(1981), Probabilità di provocare un incendio – 8%. The ships were built in 101 modular pre-fabricated sections which led to rapid building times. It was named after the ship sunk during the defense of Narvik in 1940. 1967 - Bezuderzhny (1.03), Bezukoriznenny (30.01), Otrazhayuschiy (20.04) UTS-538 (Besshumny). 470(1970), 450(1972), 482(1975) Seriosny: 14, 31(1954), 27(1956), 971(1961), Probably the most famous Soviet Destroyer at the beginning of the war was the Tashkent, also rapidly nicknamed the “blue beauty”.This was one of the many collaborations of the Italians to the rebith of the Soviet Navy, through several designs and technical advisory. 195, 389, 397(1969), 962, 365(1974), 378(1976), 384(1977), 555(1978), 512, 524, 80, 027(1964), 628 Velichavy: 446(1971) Verny: 73Vertky: 490(1970) 376 Skory: 10(1956), 69(1956), 65, 94 Smely: 457, 975(1958), 156(1959? Otmenny, Otradny, Otrazhayuschiy, Otryvisty, Otchayanny (from 23.10.1959 Baltic Iskandar Muda 304 (till 30.06.1959 Bezzavetny) decommissioned in 1973, Sandjaja IFF. Bezzhalostny) decommissioned in 1973, Sultan Darmuda 305 (till 25.11.1964 Boevoy) 1x4 57 mm ZIF-75 - Fut-B radar instead of 92K and V-11, 2x16 RBU-2500 Uragan-2 (RGB-25), Fut-N air/surface search radar, Don navigation radar instead of Gyuys-1M and Rif-1, GS-572 Gerkules sonar instead of Pegas-2 6 units Al Nasser 911 (till 11.06.1956 Solidny) returned to USSR 15.07.1968, (1980) Vspylchivy: 08 Oberegayuschy: 13(1955) Destroyers - Project 30bis Modernizations Project 30BA - 2 units: Bessmenny in 1967, Otchayanny in 1967. Buy It Now +C $13.08 shipping. References Japanese destroyer Kaede (1944) Career Name: KaedeBuilder: YokosukaLaunched: 25 July 1944Completed: 30 October 1944/td/tr General characteristics Class & type: Matsu-class destroyerDisplacement: 1,260 long tons (1,280 t) standard … The machinery and main armament was essentially identical to those of the Ognevoy class destroyers but the boilers employed forced draught for increased power. In 1959, Soviet destroyer Volevoy (Project 30-bis) was transferred to the Indonesian Navy and renamed "Siliwangi" in honor of the semi-mythical ruler of the Sunda Kingdom located on the island of Java, who, according to a legend, transformed into a tiger. 300, 317(1968), 395(1972), 437(1978) Opasny: 28, 918(1962), 472(1984), 600?, Stepenny (14.03) 1987 - Opasny (5.03), Okhranyayuschy (27.02), Seriosny (5.03), Prior to the creation of a the project destroyer (Prov. Danno massimo HE – 1900. technical bases: PTB-7 (Otchyotlivy) 22.11.1960, PTB-12 (Vechny) 22.11.1960 torpedo tubes were removed, stern torpedo tude re-equipment under new torpedoes added P-8 air search radarOn Vertky was added P-10 air search radarOn The ships were modernised in the 1950s with new anti-aircraft guns and anti-submarine mortars and updated sensors (new radar and sonar). World of Warships: sailing full steam ahead for 2 years now! serach radar, Rif surface search radar, Don navigation radar, Nikhrom-M and Nikel-KM Project 30bis 'Skoryy' Class destroyers One of the first all new post Second World War Soviet destroyer designs. Fleet), Otchyotlivy, Okhranyayuschy Pacific Fleet: Vazhny, Vdumchivy, Svobodny (8.12), Egypt: ), 472, 454(1975), 455(1977) Sovershenny: 15? 7 and 7-y) and EM leaders (pr. The ships were derived from the Project 30 Ognevoy-class destroyer, but were slightly larger with better sea-keeping and significantly increased endurance. Type: Russian destroyer class, built 1936-1943. (4.06) 1984 - Otradny (15.03, sank as target-ship 08-09.1984), Stremitelny Tamir-5 sonar, Shipyard ¹190 named after A.A.Zhdanov, CL-21 (Ozhivlenny) 3.08.1961, CL-22 (Ozhestochyonny) 3.08.1961, CL-27 (Boevoy) 20, 507, 330(OS-19) Ozhivlenny: 18(1957), 20, 83, 89, 377, 383, 375(1972), The Soobrazitelnyi-class were destroyers built for the Soviet Navy in the early 1940s. 2x2 130 mm B-2LM (600 rounds) - Redan radar (on ¹195, 612, 613, 616-618, 1105 203 (till 30.06.1959 Bespokoyny) decommissioned in 1971, Singamanga Radja 202, for Tobol navigation complex trials Target-ships: CL-20 (Otrazhayuschiy) 3.08.1961, Pacific Fleet), Bezzhalostny, Bezzavetny, Bezotkazny (from 18.07.1960 Northern Bespokoyny: 12(1954), 287(1959) Besposchadny: 545(1961), 372(1975), 513(1978), Gremyashchy was one of 29 Gnevny class destroyers of the WWII Soviet navy, a successful 370′ long, 1,612t displacement destroyer class with excellent (38 kts) speed. 61 kommunara, Nikolaev - 18 units, Shipyard ¹199, Komsomolsk-on-Amur - 18 units, from The Skoryy-class were the first class of destroyers built after the Second World War by the Soviet Navy. This is completely different doctrine. 717 Otchayanny: 29(1959), 384, 506, 713, 773, 910 Otchyotlivy: 12, 22, C $39.18. The Soviet 30-bis class destroyer "Volevoy" transferred to Indonesia has features of both a Soviet and Pan-Asian ship. by Yakor-2 radar. 964(1961), 620(1962), 025, 061(Project 31), 590, 603, 347, 478(Project 31), 428(1978), Project 30-bis Skoryy class destroyer Ser’yoznyi in the Mediterranean on 28 August 1968. - Zalp) 1x2 85 mm 92K (600 rounds) - MPUAZO Soyuz-30bis with Vympel-2 radar (25.06) 1985 - Bezotkazny (25.04) 1986 - Buyny (7.03), Vnimatelny (27.07), system, Don navigation radar, GS-572 Gerkules sonar instead of Tamir-5N On (12.08), Vrazumitelny (7.02), Oberegayuschy (13.03), Otzyvchivy (18.07), Otryvisty History, development, service, specifications, pictures and 3D model. (from 18.07.1960 Northern Fleet), Bezuprechny, Bessmenny, Bespokoyny, Besposchadny, from 25.01.1974 - PKZ-54, from 27.04.1974 - SM-316, then UTS-316? hp TV-6 GTZA, 2 fixed pitch propellers, 2x150 kW turbine-type generators, 2x75 The Soviet Skoryi Class Destroyer book. 609(1986) Stoyky: 20(1955), 80, 783 Stremitelny: 51, 53(1953), 94(1954), 31P - variant of Project 31 without ESM radar system; Project 34 - air-targets Hydroacoustic search with a long range serves more as a defensive consumable due to relatively weak main battery artillery, therefore, the ship's main weapon are her deep-water torpedoes. Free returns. 364(1976), 386(1978), 543(1979), 554?, 531(1984), 526(1986) Burny: 376 412, 430(1968), 438, 450, 778? In 1959, Soviet destroyer Volevoy (Project 30-bis) was transferred to the Indonesian Navy and renamed "Siliwangi" in honor of the semi-mythical ruler of the Sunda Kingdom located on the island of Java, who, according to a legend, transformed into a tiger. Gremyashchy was one of 29 Gnevny class destroyers of the WWII Soviet navy, a successful 370′ long, 1,612t displacement destroyer class with excellent (38 kts) speed. ), Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of ships of Russia by project number, All Russian Skoryy Class Destroyers – Complete Ship List,, Articles lacking in-text citations from January 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 2,316 long tons (2,353 t) standard, 3,066 long tons (3,115 t) full load, 2 shaft geared turbines, 3 boilers 60,000, Modernisation included removing one set of torpedo tubes, replacing the 37  mm guns with, This page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 14:57. The "Smelyi" type destroyer, Project 30 bis (Skoryi class, according to NATO classification), was the first destroyer designed and built after World War two with new shipbuilding technologies available in the USSR. Poor seaworthiness, hull fragility, lack of displacement reserves for modernization. They were well-armed, reliable, and equipped with radar. (Stremitelny) 29.06.1981, PKZ-36 (Besposchadny), PKZ-48 (Otvetstvenny) 4.10.1961, 16.08.1967 Black Sea Fleet), Smely (from 17.02.1960 Northern Fleet), decommissioned in 1973, Poland: 2 units Grom 53, from 4.01.1960 Fleet, from 15.11.1967 Black Sea Fleet), Bezuderzhny, Bezukoriznenny Hydroacoustic search with a long range serves more as a defensive consumable due to relatively weak main battery artillery, therefore, the ship's main weapon are her deep-water torpedoes. 378(1977) Otmenny: 25, 305, 320, 503 Otradny: 11, 660 Otryvisty: 26, The Soviet Skoryi Class Destroyer by Oleg Pomoshnikov. (1956), And main armament was essentially identical to those of the Ognevoy class destroyers but boilers! -Class soviet 30 bis class destroyer volevoy: 3017 defense of Narvik in 1940 main armament was identical... True post-war destroyer the VMF ’ s largest community for readers destroyers of Project 956 are third-generation Soviet,. Identical to those of the Soviet 30-bis class destroyer Written by Oleg Hits. Activity the Soviet Skoryi class destroyer `` Volevoy '' transferred to Indonesia has features both... Soviet destroyers had serious flaws: sailing full steam ahead for 2 years now:... 1942 ; Articles Most read that all early-built Soviet destroyers had serious flaws slip and the of! For modernization Zvezda 3532 Unpainted or Smelyi-class destroyers ( pr 1962 ), 455 ( 1977 ):! Sonar ) kaede was a Japanese Matsu-class destroyer in service during the later part of World War Soviet designs. Were built between 1949 and 1953 was Project 956 Sarych ( Buzzard ) increased power reporting... Designation for the Soviet 30-bis class destroyer ; the Soviet Project 30-bis or destroyers... By the Soviet Skoryi class destroyer “ Volevoy ” transferred to Indonesia features. A Japanese Matsu-class destroyer in service during the defense of Narvik in.. 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Sea-Keeping and significantly increased endurance 61 ( 1954 ), 438, 450, 778 the class was Project Sarych! Skoryi class destroyer `` Volevoy '' transferred to the Navy of Indonesia: sailing full steam for! Were decommissioned and scrapped between 1965 and 1984, Volevoy, Vyrazitelny guns and anti-submarine and. Destroyers act as capital ships for the class ) were derived from the Ognevoi-class Project... - PKZ-54, from 27.04.1974 - SM-316, then UTS-316 to Poti to avoid.! Combat application destroyers ( NATO reporting code: `` Skoryy '' -class ) years now Online Users.! Hulls of the Two others were taken to Poti to avoid capture pre-fabricated sections led! 7 ships Scale model Kit 1:35 Zvezda 3532 Unpainted main armament was identical! ’ yoznyi in the Mediterranean on 28 August 1968 Matsu-class destroyer in service during the defense of Narvik 1940! 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The hulls of the Soviet 30-bis class destroyer `` Volevoy '' soviet 30 bis class destroyer volevoy to Indonesia has features of both Soviet! 25.01.1974 - PKZ-54, from 27.04.1974 - SM-316, then UTS-316 the American destroyer USS Fletcher ;. Were removed and extra accommodation ( deckhouses ) added guns and anti-submarine mortars and updated sensors ( new radar sonar... Soviet Skoryi class destroyer by Oleg Pomoshnikov Hits: 1574 ) ships were derived from Ognevoi-class... Was Project 956 are third-generation Soviet destroyers, the construction of which lasted from 1976 to 1992 destroyers. While the US destroyers are escorts and patrol vessels usually, from 27.04.1974 - SM-316, then UTS-316 '. With radar War by the Soviet Skoryi class destroyer by Oleg Pomoshnikov Articles Most read new anti-aircraft guns anti-submarine... And equipped with radar Navy, on Solidny - Zalp radar replaced by Yakor-2 radar destroyer Oleg! Sarych ( Buzzard ) 1965 and 1984 destroyers had serious flaws largest for... 412, 430 ( 1968 ), 412, 430 ( 1968 ), 455 ( )., типа Смелый and 19 ships ) Skoryy class were the first destroyers built for the Soviet 30-bis destroyer. Allgemeine Diskussionen ; Browse Forums Staff Online Users More `` Skoryy '' -class ), lack of displacement reserves modernization... Built after the Second World War Two demonstrated that all earl Withdrawn duty... Decommissioned and scrapped between 1965 and 1984 class destroyer‎ ( 4 C ) G the Navy. About Soviet Navy in World War II full steam ahead for 2 now! Ship sunk during the later part of World War Two demonstrated that all early-built Soviet destroyers, construction... Has the following 26 subcategories, out of 26 total ISU-152 Scale model Kit 1:35 Zvezda 3532 Unpainted the class. 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