Marka u laguni, prekoputa Trga sv. Santa Maria della Salute (o chiesa della Salute o semplicemente La Salute) è una basilica di Venezia eretta nell'area della Punta della Dogana, da dove risalta nel panorama del Bacino di San Marco e del Canal Grande.Progettata da Baldassare Longhena con attenzione ai modelli del Palladio, è una delle migliori espressioni dell'architettura barocca veneziana. Santa Maria della Salute (o chiesa della Salute o semplicemente La Salute) è una basilica di Venezia eretta nell'area della Punta della Dogana, da dove risalta nel panorama del Bacino di San Marco e del Canal Grande.Progettata da Baldassare Longhena con attenzione ai modelli del Palladio, è una delle migliori espressioni dell'architettura barocca veneziana. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 26 dec 2020 om 11:48. The architect Baldassare Longhena was selected to design the new church. Article by Tünde Kiss. The plans of the Rotunda of Xewkija in Gozo, Malta were based on Santa Maria della Salute, but on a larger scale. Tad moja vila preda me granu, lepse je ovaj ne vide vid; iz crnog mraka divna mi svanu, Su preciosa cúpula es visible desde distintos puntos de la ciudad, dada su privilegiada situación cerca de la cuenca de San Marco, en el Gran Canal. Bovenste deel van de troon van paus Pius X., Wikipedia:Lokale afbeelding anders dan op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, Mediabestanden die bij dit onderwerp horen, zijn te vinden op de pagina. Analiza dela: Santa Maria della Salute - Laza Kostić Santa Maria della Salute - život, istorija, poezija Zanimljiva je predistorija pesme Santa Maria della Salute Stvaralački impulsi za nastanak pesme potekli su iz tri osnovna izvora, ali su oni opet u uskoj međusobnoj vezi. Režiju filma potpisuje Zdravko Šotra, a glavne uloge tumače Vojin Ćetković i Tamara Aleksić. Santa Maria della Salute! Son dôme apparaît sur la plupart des cartes postales emblématiques de la ville. De Santa Maria della Salute, ook wel simpelweg de Salute genoemd, dankt haar bekendheid vooral aan haar ligging: De kerk ligt op het smalle stuk land dat het Canale Grande scheidt van de Bacino di San Marco, en is heel mooi te zien wanneer men de San Marco over het water benadert. Het interieur is uitgevoerd in donkergrijze natuursteen. While Longhena saw the structure as crown-like, the decorative circular building makes it seem more like a reliquary, a ciborium, and embroidered inverted chalice that shelters the city's piety. Zar nije The structures modeled after the church include the shrine in Gostyń, built by Jerzy Catenazzi, Jan Catenazzi, and Pompeo Ferrari between 1675-1728, perhaps according to the original design by Baldassarre Longhena. The church of Santa Maria della Salute stands at centre, beyond the Dogana (the customs house), with the Giudecca canal on the left and the Zecca (the Mint) on the right. Santa Maria della Salute La basílica barroca de Santa María della Salute, que está ubicada en uno de los lugares más prestigiosos de Venecia, cerca de la cuenca de San Marcos, fue construida en 1630 para agradecerle a la Virgen el final de una peste. Mit Kirche santa maria della salute in venedig einen Test zu riskieren - solange wie Sie von den herausragenden Angeboten des Fabrikanten profitieren - ist eine weise Entscheidung. A Santa Maria della Salute, a barokk építőművészet egyik legelegánsabb alkotása, egy fogadalmi templom az olaszországi Velencében.A Velencei Köztársaság szenátusa emeltette az 1630-as pestisjárvány után. [1] Repeated displays of the sacrament, as well as prayers and processions to churches dedicated to San Rocco and San Lorenzo Giustiniani had failed to stem the epidemic. Snimana je po scenariju koji je napisao, a i režirao Zdravko Šotra, nakon tri godine rada na njemu. U skladu sa ovim promenama menja se ton i smenjuju se osobenosti različitih lirskih vrsta - molitva, pokajnica, elegična ispovest, snoviđenja, ljubavna pesma, apokaliptično viđenje, himna. Santa Maria della Salute [self-published] This article about a Roman Catholic church building in Italy is a stub. The three altars to the right of the main entrance are decorated with scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary, patroness of the church, by Luca Giordano: The Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple, Assumption of Our Lady, and Nativity of Our Lady. Im Folgenden zeige ich Ihnen so manche Dinge, die ich während meiner Nachforschung erfahren konnte: Zar nije Ona me glednu. La spettacolarità dell’esterno si ritrova anche all’interno della costruzione sacra: la gigantesca rotonda maggiore accoglie, investendolo di luce, il visitatore e diffonde, grazie alle numerose finestre, termali negli altari laterali e arcate nel tamburo della cupola, un’aura luminosa che ricopre la candida bicromia bianca e grigia delle pareti. "Santa Maria della Salute" je биографска играна серија о једном од највећих српских песника, Лази Костићу. zašto se mudrački mozgovi mute,. Iako će vam analiza bliže objasniti i koja je tema i kakva su osećanja u pesmi ” Santa Maria della Salute ” ili, pak motivi u pesmi, kada bismo morali da kažemo koja je tačno tema pesme, moram priznati da to nije ni malo jednostavno. A dispute with the patriarch, owner of the church and seminary at the site, was resolved, and razing of some of the buildings began by 1631. Basilica Santa Maria della Salute Venezia (Ve) - Veneto. Svaka od 14 strofa se završava refrenom Santa Maria della Salute koji pesmi daje poseban ritam. Coordinate. Наводи и да му је црква Santa Maria della Salute помен на њу и да је никада неће заборавити. Santa Maria della Salute je srpska televizijska serija snimana tokom 2016. godine. View of the north-west side of the great dome. Meteo per città fino a 15 giorni. Strofe su okatve sem dva izuzetka, kada se javlјa nona i poslednje dve, kada dobijamo strofu od šesnaest sihova. Santa Maria della Salute – analiza pesme Pesma „Santa Maria della Salute“ riznica je raznih osećanja koja su preplavila Lazu Kostića kada je čuo da je devojka koju je volio umrla. Das Team hat im genauen Santa maria della salute Test uns jene empfehlenswertesten Produkte verglichen sowie die auffälligsten Eigenschaften aufgelistet. The Baroque high altar arrangement, designed by Longhena himself, shelters an iconic Byzantine Madonna and Child of the 12th or 13th century, known as Panagia Mesopantitissa in Greek[4] ("Madonna the mediator" or "Madonna the negotiator") and came from Candia in 1669 after the fall of the city to the Ottomans. Због толике љубави и велике чежње за њом почиње да му се … The church was designed in the then fashionable baroque style by Baldassare Longhena, who studied under the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi. Snimana je po scenariju koji je napisao, a i režirao Zdravko Šotra, nakon tri godine rada na njemu. Artwork page for ‘Venice - Maria della Salute’, Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1844 As the title of this painting suggests, Turner aimed to present a detailed and recognisable image of the city of Venice. With Vojin Cetkovic, Tamara Aleksic, Aleksandar Djurica, Danijela 'Nela' Mihajlovic. Pesma Santa Maria della Salute sastoji se od petnaest, tj. Het hele bouwwerk rust op 100.000 eikenhouten palen. U … venice is a popular tourist destination of europe. Santa Maria della Salute - Laza Kostić Oprosti, majko sveta, oprosti, što naših gora požalih bor, na kom se, ustuk svakoje zlosti, blaženoj tebi podiže dvor; prezri, nebesnice, vrelo milosti, što ti zemaljski sagreši stvor: Kajan ti ljubim prečiste skute, Santa Maria della Salute. Dve se u meni pobiše sile, mozak i srce, pamet i slast. [1] The third altar to the left of the entrance hosts a painting by Titian titled The Descent of the Holy Ghost. La spettacolarità dell’esterno si ritrova anche all’interno della costruzione sacra: la gigantesca rotonda maggiore accoglie, investendolo di luce, il visitatore e diffonde, grazie alle numerose finestre, termali negli altari laterali e arcate nel tamburo della cupola, un’aura luminosa che ricopre la candida bicromia bianca e grigia delle pareti. Trovalo me je podmuklo, gnjilo, al’ ipak neću nikoga klet; šta god je muke na mene bilo, da nikog za to ne krivi svet: Jer, što je duši lomilo krilo, te joj u jeku dušilo let, sve je to s ove glave, sa lude, Santa Maria della Salute! Építését Baldassare Longhena tervei alapján kezdték meg 1631-ben. Artwork page for ‘Venice - Maria della Salute’, Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1844 As the title of this painting suggests, Turner aimed to present a detailed and recognisable image of the city of Venice. Pesma Santa Maria della Salute ima bogatu sadržinu koja se postepeno smenjuje tokom pesme - smenjivanje motiva praćeno je smenjivanjem osećanja, raspoloženja i psiholoških stanja lirskog subjekta. Čitava poema je ispevana u strofama od 8 stihova, takozvanim oktavama, uz izuzetak šeste i poslednje strofe. Bazylika Santa Maria della Salute (także nazywana Chiesa della Salute lub krótko La Salute) – wenecka barokowa bazylika mniejsza.. Bazylika została zbudowana, zgodnie z dekretem senatu podpisanym przez dożę Nicolò Contarini z 22 października 1630 roku, jako wotum dziękczynne po zakończeniu epidemii dżumy, która pozbawiła życia ok. 1/3 mieszkańców miasta. Ancient Urban Painting Pictures Illustration Cityscape Art Architecture Sketchbook Steampunk Art Drawings Art. Les origines de Santa Maria della Salute remontent à 1631, l’année du début de sa construction. Snimana je po scenariju koji je napisao, a i režirao Zdravko Šotra, nakon tri godine rada na njemu. Santa Maria della Salute, obecně známý jako Salute, je kostel a bazilika římsko-katolické církve a nachází se v části Punta della Dogana ve čtvrti Dorsorudo v Benátkách v Itálii. Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. De kerk staat langs het Canal Grande in de wijk Dorsoduro en is opgetrokken uit witte kalksteen. The church of Santa Maria della Salute stands at centre, beyond the Dogana (the customs house), with the Giudecca canal on the left and the Zecca (the Mint) on the right. Construction began in 1631. News. The Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute, located at the mouth of the Grand Canal, is one of the landmark structures that shape the cityscape of Venice, Italy. kroz nju sad vidim, od nje sve znam. The most represented artist included in the church is Titian, who painted St. Mark Enthroned with Saints Cosmas, Damian, Sebastian and Roch, the altarpiece of the sacristy, as well as ceiling paintings of David and Goliath, Abraham and Isaac and Cain and Abel, and eight tondi of the eight Doctors of the Church and the Evangelists, all in the great sacristy, and Pentecost in the nave. Tad moja vila preda … Sfoglia l'elenco completo di tutte le Webcam: Venezia . Santa Maria della Salute te Venetië. The church had a large influence on contemporary architects immediately after its completion. Santa Maria della Salute (Gospa od Zdravlja) je slavna venecijanska crkva, slikovito smještena na uskom Carinskom rtu koji leži na ulazu u Canal Grande, preko puta Trga sv. [5] The interior has its architectural elements demarcated by the coloration of the material, and the central nave with its ring of saints atop a balustrade is a novel design. A competition was held to design the building. Likely, the diplomat Paolo Sarpi and Doge Nicolo Contarini shared the intent to link the church to an order less closely associated with the patriarchate, and ultimately the Somascan Fathers, an order founded near Bergamo by a Venetian nobleman Jerome Emiliani, were invited to administer the church. Otac Gavrilo opominje Lazu Kostića zbog neodgovornog ponašanja prema ženama, kao i zbog odnosa sa mladom Lenkom Dunđerski. Postoji dvadeset verzija ovog scenarija. The octagonal church, while ringed by a classic vocabulary, hearkens to Byzantine designs such as the Basilica of San Vitale. The Venetian Senate voted 66 in favor, 29 against with 2 abstentions to authorize the designs of the 26-year-old Longhena. [3]. Canal Grande met Santa Maria della Salute midden Canale della Giudecca met de Il Redentore onder San Giorgio Maggiore kerk en eiland Canaletto ‘De Dogana in Venetië’ 1724-30, olieverf op de doek, 46 x 63.4 cm, Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Video Drone aerial view of the grand canal and basilica santa maria della salute, venice, italy. De kerk werd destijds gebouwd omdat men dacht dat de pest eindelijk uitgebannen was. Dugo su bojak strahovit bile, k’o besni oluj i stari hrast: Napokon sile sustaše mile, vijugav mozak održa vlast, razlog i zapon pameti hude, Santa Maria della Salute. De basiliek van Santa Maria della Salute is een Venetiaanse kerk die gebouwd werd in de periode 1631–1687 door de architect Baldassare Longhena.De kerk staat langs het Canal Grande in de wijk Dorsoduro en is opgetrokken uit witte kalksteen. Hotels near Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute: (0.06 mi) Ca' Maria Adele (0.09 mi) SINA Centurion Palace (0.12 mi) The Gritti Palace, a Luxury Collection Hotel (0.09 mi) The St. Regis Venice (0.12 mi) Corte Barozzi Venice Suites; View all hotels near Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute on Tripadvisor Echoing the architectural response to a prior assault of the plague (1575–76), when Palladio was asked to design the Redentore church, the Venetian Senate on October 22, 1630, decreed that a new church would be built. Santa Maria della Salute je srpska televizijska serija snimana tokom 2016. godine. Biografska serija o Lazi Kostiću, znamenitom srpskom pesniku, čiji je lik oživeo Vojin Ćetković, a njegovu veliku ljubav - Lenku Dunđerski, Tamara Aleksić. This involved crossing the Grand Canal on a specially constructed pontoon bridge and is still a major event in Venice. Venice (Santa Maria della Salute) - The current image, detailed weather forecast for the next days and comments. De Santa Maria della Salute a Primavalle is een kerk in Rome, gelegen in de wijk Primavalle aan het piazza Alfonso Capecelatro.. Geschiedenis. Santa Maria della Salute: l’interno. Santa Maria dela salute, 7-11. Um den möglichen Differenzen der Produkte genüge zu tun, messen wir im Team eine Vielzahl von Faktoren. Postoji dvadeset verzija ovog scenarija. Of the eleven submissions (including designs by Alessandro Varotari, Matteo Ignoli, and Berteo Belli), only two were chosen for the final round. It was finally completed in 1681 the year before Longhena's death. A network of live webcams from around the World. Ta … Mappa Venezia. Santa Maria della Salute. De basiliek van Santa Maria della Salute is een Venetiaanse kerk die gebouwd werd in de periode 1631–1687 door de architect Baldassare Longhena.De kerk staat langs het Canal Grande in de wijk Dorsoduro en is opgetrokken uit witte kalksteen. High Altar with the holy icon of Panagia Mesopantitisa, "Venice at the feet of St. Anthony of Padua" Pietro Liberi, The Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple, The dome of the Salute was an important addition to the Venetian skyline and soon became emblematic of the city, inspiring painters like Canaletto, J. M. W. Turner, John Singer Sargent, Francesco Guardi, and the Serbian poet Laza Kostić to write a poem of the same title. ", The Salute, while novel in many ways, still shows the influence of Palladian classicism and the domes of Venice. Meteo Europa. As a votive offering for the city's deliverance from the pestilence, the Republic of Venice vowed to build and dedicate a church to Our Lady of Health (or of Deliverance, Italian: Salute). Trovalo me je podmuklo, gnjilo, al' ipak necu nikoga klet'; sta god je muke na meni bilo, da nikog za to ne krivi svet: Jer, sto je duši lomilo krilo, te joj u jeku dušilo let, sve je to s ove glave sa lude, Santa Maria della Salute! De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Op het hoogaltaar staat de beeldengroep De Maagd verdrijft de pest. Helyét urbanisztikai szempontok jelölték ki, az épület a Canal Grande torkolatát uralja. Specijalna projekcija filma „Santa Maria della Salute“ zakazana je za večeras od 20.30 u bioskopu Cineplexx. Servizi. [1], The main facade is richly decorated by statues of the four evangelists recently attributed to Tommaso Rues: Santa Maria della Salute (Santa María de la Salud) es una basílica de Venecia, que se alza cerca de la Punta della Dogana (Punta de la Aduana).Se construyó, al igual que la iglesia del Redentor o la iglesia de San Rocco, ex voto de los habitantes venecianos a causa de la peste que en 1630 diezmó la población. The dome of the Salute was an important addition to the Venice skyline and soon became emblematic of the city, inspiring artists like Canaletto, J. M. W. Turner, John Singer Sargent, and the Venetian artist Francesco Guardi. It stands on the narrow finger of Punta della Dogana, between the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal, at the Bacino di San Marco, making the church visible when entering the Piazza San Marco from the water. Pesma ” Santa Maria della Salute ” je ispevana u apostrofi, kao direktno obraćanje Bogorodici. Later in a memorandum, he wrote: "Firstly, it is a virgin work, never before seen, curious, worthy and beautiful, made in the form of a round monument that has never been seen, nor ever before invented, neither altogether, nor in part, in other churches in this most serene city, just as my competitor (il Fracao) has done for his own advantage, being poor in invention. Son imposante silhouette blanche est visible de loin et constitue un point de repère à Venise. [6], In 1959, the church was the subject of a design by John Piper, later adapted as a textile design by Arthur Sanderson & Sons Ltd. [7]. Sulla sommità della cupola maggiore si trova la statua della Vergine con il bastone di Capitana de mar. Santa Maria della Salute (Gospa od Zdravlja) koju Venecijanci jednostavno zovu Salute, je slavna venecijanska crkva, slikovito smještena na uskom Carinskom rtu koji leži između Canal Grandea i Zaljeva sv. Најлепшу љубавну песму XX века чита непревазиђени Петар Краљ. Bazylika Santa Maria della Salute (także nazywana Chiesa della Salute lub krótko La Salute) – wenecka barokowa bazylika mniejsza.. Bazylika została zbudowana, zgodnie z dekretem senatu podpisanym przez dożę Nicolò Contarini z 22 października 1630 roku, jako wotum dziękczynne po zakończeniu epidemii dżumy, która pozbawiła życia ok. 1/3 mieszkańców miasta. Het gebouw is, afgezien van de aanbouw, achthoekig van vorm en in barokstijl gebouwd. He wrote: I have created a church in the form of a rotunda, a work of new invention, not built in Venice, a work very worthy and desired by many. Coordinate. Santa Maria della Salute. The desire to create a suitable monument at a place that allows for easy processional access from Piazza San Marco led senators to select the present site from among eight potential locations. Kragujevčanima će se nakon projekcije pokloniti deo glumačke i autorske ekipe filma. Altaar van een stralende kapel van de basiliek. Verder bevinden er zich schilderijen van Tintoretto, zoals Bruiloft te Kana, en van Titiaan, namelijk Kaïn en Abel, David en Goliath en Het offer van Abraham. This church, having the mystery of its dedication, being dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, made me think, with what little talent God has bestowed upon me of building the church in the ... shape of a crown. venice, italy. Meteo. Previsioni del tempo precise, sempre aggiornate e in tempo reale. [1] It was not to be dedicated to a mere "plague" or patron saint, but to the Virgin Mary, who for many reasons was thought to be a protector of the Republic.[2]. November 2020. pen & ink 18x24. Beginning in the summer of 1630, a wave of the plague assaulted Venice, and until 1631 killed nearly a third of the population. Location of Santa María della Salute on the map of Venice. Pozorišni komad "Od raja do beznjenice" je sastavni deo projekta "Čudesni svet Dunđerskih". Het hele bouwwerk rust op 100.000 eikenhouten palen. In the city, 46,000 people died whilst in the lagoons the number was far higher, some 94,000. De basiliek gezien vanaf het Canal Grande. 0 Venise, table d'autel de la basilique Santa Maria della Salute.JPG| Het gebouw is, afgezien van de aanbouw, achthoekig van vorm en in barokstijl gebouwd. While its external decoration and location capture the eye, the internal design itself is quite remarkable. Santa Maria della Salute 2016 Santa Maria della Salute - Laza Kostić Oprosti, majko sveta, oprosti, što naših gora požalih bor, na kom se, ustuk svakoje zlosti, blaženoj tebi podiže dvor; prezri, nebesnice, vrelo milosti, što ti zemaljski sagreši stvor: Kajan ti ljubim prečiste skute, Santa Maria della Salute. Bazylika Santa Maria della Salute (nazywana bazyliką lub kościołem Świętej Maryi Uzdrowicielki) to barokowe dzieło wybudowane w XVII w. Za jej powstaniem stoi ciekawa historia, bo budowla została wzniesiona w podziękowaniu świętej za zakończenie epidemii dżumy. Ovo je pesma ljubavi, očaja, krivnje i molbe za oprost, a na kraju i nade da će ljubav koji nije mogla da se ostvari u ovom životu, pronaći svoje ostvarenje u Raju. Postoji dvadeset verzija ovog scenarija. Ekipu filma čine još i Nebojša Ilić, Aleksandar Berček, Dejan Lutkić, Sloboda Mićalović Canal Grande met Santa Maria della Salute midden Canale della Giudecca met de Il Redentore onder San Giorgio Maggiore kerk en eiland Canaletto ‘De Dogana in Venetië’ 1724-30, olieverf op de doek, 46 x 63.4 cm, Kunsthistorishes Museum, Wien Video Drone The Salute, emblematic of the city's piety, stands adjacent to the rusticated single story customs house or Dogana da Mar, the emblem of its maritime commerce, and near the civic center of the city. Okrutna zaraza doprowadziła do śmierci tysiące osób w mieście i zmniejszyła liczbę mieszkańców o 1/3! Santa Maria della Salute, commonly known simply as the Salute, is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica located at Punta della Dogana in the Dorsoduro sestiere of the city of Venice, Italy. La basilique Santa Maria della Sanità (Sainte-Marie-de-la-Santé; parfois populairement San Vincenzo alla Sanità [1], [2]) est une église de Naples située dans le quartier dit rione Sanità et érigée selon les plans du frère dominicain Giuseppe Nuvolo entre 1602 et 1613, au-dessus des catacombes de Saint Gaudiose (catacombe di San Gaudioso De basiliek van Santa Maria della Salute is een Venetiaanse kerk die gebouwd werd in de periode 1631–1687 door de architect Baldassare Longhena. Most of the objects of art housed in the church bear references to the Black Death. Kako bismo u potpunosti uspeli da dočaramo sve lepote ove pesme, krenućemo od samog početka, od prve strofe, pa strofu po strofu, analiziraćemo lektirui na taj način vrlo temeljno i u celosti obraditi ovo delo. The … Si possono notare subito una serie ricchissima si statue che decorano la facciata principale e i lati esterni dell’edificio e poi continuano anche al suo interno seguendo il tema della glorificazione di Maria. The statuary group at the high altar, depicting The Queen of Heaven expelling the Plague (1670) is a theatrical Baroque masterpiece by the Flemish sculptor Josse de Corte. In 1630, Venice experienced an unusually devastating outbreak of the plague. Na lange tijd stak de pest echter toch weer de kop op in de stad. De noordwestkant van de basiliek en zijn stralende kapellen. The interior is octagonal with eight radiating chapels on the outer row. The Salute is part of the parish of the Gesuati and is the most recent of the so-called plague churches. It stands on the narrow finger of Punta della Dogana, between the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal, at the Bacino di San Marco, making the church visible when entering the Piazza San Marco from the water. Longhena's proposal was a concrete architectural plan, detailing the structure and costs. I - II Obraćanje Bogorodici i traženje oproštaja za sve ono što je ranije govorio o njenom hramu - odricanje od misli iz pe… Santa Maria della Salute. This webcam is located in Italy. santa maria della salute. Santa Maria della Salute je srpska televizijska serija snimana tokom 2016. godine. Santa Maria della Salute. Of the proposals still extant, Belli's and Smeraldi's original plans were conventional counter-reformation linear churches, resembling Palladio's Redentore and San Giorgio Maggiore, while Varotari's was a sketchy geometrical abstraction. U … La Basílica Santa Maria della Salute fue construida en el año 1631 para celebrar el final de la terrible peste, que asoló la población veneciana en esa época.. Este templo barroco es uno de los más importantes de Venecia. Tintoretto painted "Marriage at Cana - 1561" cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}, displayed in the great sacristy, which includes a self-portrait. 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