This can be made possible by improving the conditions of the slum areas, provision for suitable educational and recreational facilities, education of parents disciplined and organised society with role relationship defined, development of proper ego identity and etc. In this essay we will discuss about Juvenile Delinquency. Of course, the question why the remaining 27 thief’s of the experimental group inspite of being with their mother took recourse to thefts has not been explained by this factor. were frequently found in them. However, delinquency and crime can be reduced social scientists and psychologists can plan to reduce delinquency and crime. Delinquency is an anti-social behaviour and it creates unrest and indiscipline in the society. They do not accept the values of their parents or grandparents and they are even confused of their so called own values and sense of identity. Juvenile offenders are accorded special treatment under this Act and are not tried in the same Courts as adult offenders. Many studies have focused on trying to find ways to reduce juvenile delinquency. The Social Disorganization Theory is based upon the premise that a person’s social position and the conditions within which they reside have an influence on their eventual behaviors. Ample evidences are there to hold that a large percentage of the delinquent children come from poor homes. of the 300 delinquents children was 86.7, the average I.Q. People prefer to have their own family of husband and wife and children. Thus, in short, they are all in a mess. They find a sense of acceptance, belongingness and give and take, sympathy, understanding, companionships, loyalty, power and authority which they do not find in a socialized world which they consider to be an out group. where they live with both their original parents. The family bonds and community bonds thus become weak to weaker. Many ego psychologists view that the modern youth is only a bundle of confusions as far as his values of life is concerned. (b) Irrational, harsh and inconsistent parental discipline. We will also discuss to what extent family factors help protect against juvenile delinquency. As per the reports of Caputo and Mandell (1970), Kiestor (1974) in about one per cent of the delinquents brain damage leads to lower inhibitory controls and a tendency to show violent behaviour. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. This finally leads to a tendency to act out inner tension in hostile and destructive manner. Feeling of inadequacy, inferiority etc. In many cases street children later become young offenders because they either been witnesses or victims of violence in their early life. The outlook is now more progressive and dynamic. The basic capacities for social relationship has been achieved. Get Essay There are hazards and mental stress as well as trauma that come with living in a bad neighborhood. Joint family system has now become a dream. Children of some well to do highly educated parents doing very good jobs in government and non-govt. Shoemaker (2013) states that juvenile delinquency encompasses set of behaviors that define an individual and are always not in line with the expectations and ethical beliefs of particular social structure and group. About 33% of the group experienced strong feeling of being thwarted. No society can ever completely prevent or eliminate crime, practically speaking. Juvenile delinquency entails the term that is used to explain to young people who have not attained majority age and are involved in committing crimes. Healy reported that companionship was a single factor causing delinquency in 34 per cent of the cases while Burt gives the figure at 18 per cent. Abstract Juvenile delinquency is a relatively new concept that law enforcement and civilian organizations are attempting to understand and maintain control of. One feels hungry, it is a biogenic need but how to satisfy these hunger need and where to ask for food is determined by socialization process. Trained social workers are also engaged to study each case. The genetic theorists argue the presence of an extra ‘Y’ chromosome in delinquents. Such people are really at the mercy of their uncontrolled, uninhibited impulses. The delinquency laws were designed to provide treatment, rather than punishment, for juvenile offenders. Filter . They should not be hurt emotionally. So there was conflict and quarrel between the two gangs. Because of these emotional problems which are created by dehumanised social conditions the person becomes a delinquent and tries to take action, against others. Many psychopathic delinquents are found to cut the brand new cushions in theaters and movie halls. In these areas, law concerning juvenile offenders first appeared in written forms. In a limited number of cases, i.e. Rather than crime, the act is called a delinquent act when committed by a minor child, usually […] 1 did not want gang No.2 to celebrate a separate Ganesh Puja. Mrs. Gibson can be contacted at (267) 774-3448. Had it been so, in India where poverty is found in most homes, the number of delinquents would have been more than the rich and better off countries which is not a fact. It should develop a flexible attitude so that proper analysis of the causes of delinquency is made and adequate steps are taken both with respect to the prevention and treatment of delinquency. Sample image. The minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) is the age below which a person is completely immune from any criminal liability due to lack of maturity and judgement to understand the consequences of one’s actions. Finally, the society and public should also change their outlook and attitude towards delinquency in general. Two days before the last Ganesh Puja when I reached home from market, I found that the two boys of the paan shop along with some outside teenagers are constructing a pendal adjacent to the paan shop. They seem to be quite impulsive, callus, and socially insensitive, they do not have the feelings of sorrow, guilt and repentance. ... Name three contributing factors to juvenile delinquency and discuss how these problems can be approached by the government and community. Juvenile delinquency research paper outline Juvenile delinquency research topic writing is a little bit more challenging task than working on a regular essay. I believe that having to worry about safety and security can lead to mental stress, just as the article mentions. This long essay about Juvenile Delinquency is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. Now a days no one knows or cares to know who is staying next door. Instead of giving physical punishment to the offenders, constant efforts are made to bring change in their outlook and attitude towards society, towards themselves. Juvenile Delinquency : Essays Index Juvenile Delinquency To HOME PAGE School systems have decided to intervene in efforts to reduce these rates. The socio-economic status of both the groups were kept constant. This research will discuss the link between juvenile justice and drug…, of criminal responsibility in India according to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection for Children) Act,2000 is 18 years. The school also should make efforts to develop a number of group activities in debate, sports, various social functions, picnics, exhibitions and study tours to change the ego of the delinquent child, to create a feeling of togetherness, belongingness, we feeling, sense of sacrifice and cooperation along with healthy competition. are to be developed through teaching and action. Thus, they form a racket and in an organised way they create terror in the area. Among the males delinquents are more engaged in stealing, drug usage, robbery, aggravated assaults, sexual abuses etc. One has to remember that changes are to be made from negative to positive outlooks and values of life. Hence, keeping all other factors constant, a child coming from a comfortable home has relatively less chance for becoming a delinquent than a child coming from a poor under privileged family, Glueck’s study also showed that 37% of the fathers of delinquent children were skilled labourers while 23% were semi-skilled labourers and 40% were unskilled labourers. Quite a number of them also expressed sibling rivalry and jealousy. But the question arises whether Juvenile delinquents who are below 18 years of age should be punished like the convicts and criminals or not. Why a person becomes a member of a gang? They also cannot provide a baby sister to take care of the baby because of their poverty. In Bandurar’s opinion (1973) often this involves prolonged emotional and social withdrawal arising out of long standing frustration. Children from poor homes also do not get scope for education as they have to supplement the earning of their parents. The theories of both sheldon and Eysenck stress genetic aspects along with environmental aspects to explain delinquent behaviour. They do not know what to accept and what to reject. The second essay is a short essay on Juvenile Delinquency of 150-200 words. Lastly we will examine how family factors interact with…, The capture rate for all offenses amongst juveniles achieved its highest peak in twenty years in 1996 and then declined 65% by 2014 (Juvenile arrest rates, n.d.). Juvenile delinquency essay writing is not an easy task, but having a well-detailed outline, you won’t face any problems in the course of work. The rehabilitation programmes are not enough keeping in view the rapid growth of Juvenile delinquency in the entire world. I believe it…, Adolescent Delinquency and the Cause of Such Behavior Special courts have been established with specially trained Magistrates to handle the cases of delinquents. Many in the society believe that punishment should be exemplary so that others will not dare to commit it. Therefore, various steps have been taken to measure the I.Q. Institutionalization may not be quite successful in case of Juvenile offenders, i.e. about 3 to 5%, delinquent, behaviour is associated with psychotic disorders. In some cases, mental retardation is associated with serious brain damage and leads to a combination of features of both the organic and the mentally retarded delinquents. Psychology Discussion - Discuss Anything About Psychology, Social Development in Children: 6 Factors | Psychology, Leadership Theories: Top 11 Theories of Leadership, Theories of Motivation in Management: Top 7 Theories, Notes on Attitude: Introduction, Formation, Changes and Measurement | Psychology, Notes on Socialization: Introduction, Culture, Structure, Status and Conflict | Psychology, Difference between Modern Family and Traditional Family | Psychology. Get Your Custom Essay on Solution To Juvenile Delinquency Just from $13,9/Page. Here, the delinquent act is the function of terrible personality, maladjustment and disturbances rather than a consistent antisocial orientation. By being engaged in such anti-social acts, he gets the satisfaction that he is really masculine. Persons above this age are considered as criminals. To add to this the school going children do not get scope for going to good school for their educational and social development. Inspite of the various rehabilitation programmes developed by different countries of the world, they do not appear to be sufficient to reduce the percentage of delinquency from the society or prevent it significantly. Rebellious feeling in oneself makes one antisocial and delinquent. The purpose of this essay is to examine the empirical studies of the Social Learning Theory on juvenile delinquency. Shaw analysed 6,000 cases of crime and observed that in 72 per cent of the cases two or more companions were involved. The variables of delinquency may broadly be divided into: (A) Personality characteristics of individual factors. Some members of these gangs are involved in petty theft and anti-social behaviour. Therefore, vast programmes are now being undertaken to clear the slum areas and for providing educational and recreational facilities for the slum children like parks, gardens, play grounds, doll house. The average age for those who are classified as delinquent in the United States is 18. Juvenile delinquency over time has developed into a tragic and traumatic social problem, which for some reason consistently attracts more and more youth's everyday. But this is not applicable to all children staying in the crowded localities. The gang starts as a play group. Juvenile delinquency is a big problem that not only affects the victims of the delinquents, but it also affects the juvenile delinquents themselves, their family, and even the society as a whole. All these traits make the father an inadequate and unacceptable model for the child. But there are other factors besides parental deprivation which influence the development of delinquency. But poverty cannot be the role cause of delinquency. Female Juvenile Delinquency - essay example for free Newyorkessays - database with more than 65000 college essays for studying 】 It was found that the average intelligence of juvenile delinquents from socially and economically handicapped group is low. At about 2 A.M. we heard loud noise of fighting and shouting in front of our house. So, Merril held that it is not justified to assume that larger proportion of the delinquents have lower I.Q. Essay on the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency – There is no single cause or simple explanation for the development of delinquent behaviour. Thus, the mother is not available to take proper care of the child. Juvenile delinquency research paper outline. According to Scharfman and Clark (1967) the chief variables of the delinquent behaviour of girls were: (a) Broken homes combined with emotional deprivation. A number of studies conducted in UK and India using Eysenck’s personality inventory show delinquents to be more extroverts, more neurotic, more psychotic and to have more criminal tendencies than the control group. Essay # 2. Juvenile Delinquency is a term that refers to anti-social or criminal acts carried out by young children (“About…”). Young boys and girls who lack the motivation to do well in school because of various familial and social factors and become drop outs who are social isolates as soon as they can. Personality characteristics and individual factors also contribute a lot to the causation of delinquency. Many of them remain unemployed. Because of their emotional problems, they should be considered as maladjusted personalities and not as peculiar human beings, who differ from other human beings not in degree but in kind. Those children who do not get this from their parents become susceptible to delinquency. Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial and criminal behavior committed by persons under the age of 18. Juvenile delinquency is also simply called delinquency, and the two terms are used interchangeably in popular discourse. Delinquency has always been considered as a social problem over and above the fact that it is a legal problem. They should be handled with proper care and should be taught in such a way so that their attention can be sustained. His maladjustment with the society has to be changed. Some believe it is their social status, while others believe once they commit a crime, they are more likely to recidivism (Grunwald, H., Lockwood, B., Harris, P., & Mennis, J., 2010). But it would be the job of the social reformers and psychologists dealing with the care of the delinquents, to fulfil their needs in a socially accepted manner according to the norms of the society and legal sanctions. Mentally handicapped and retarded children should not be ridiculed by class mates and peers. delinquents and criminal may utilize the lower I.Q. But the term juvenile delinquency itself has … For example, they may steal a very little money actually they do not need or they may steal a scooter, a car or snatch a golden chain without any need or necessity. While it was 16,160 in 1961, it was, 40,666 in 1974. In India any person between the age of 7 and 18 years, who violates the provisions of the children’s Acts, the IPC and the CPO will be considered as delinquent. Clark (1961) found that one- third of the cases studied by him were found to be suffering from trauma. If the child rearing practices are faulty and are based on rigid, dictatorial principles, if the child is always left to cry and cry, if the child is not handled with due love and affection, if the discipline is harsh, inconsistent and irrational, his suppressed and repressed aggression is vented through anti-social and delinquent behaviour. Those children who usually become the members of the gang have often little or no parental guidance. Since delinquency is mainly caused in the society under social conditions mostly because his basic needs are not fulfilled, efforts should be made first to fulfil the basic needs of every child in a socially approved manner whether delinquent or non-delinquent and extra care should be taken of the delinquent child. The maximum age limit and also the meaning of delinquency varies from country to country. However, it is possible that the higher I.Q. Conflicting views of parents and teachers regarding discipline also contribute. Glueck’s study, thus, brings the fact to light that the nature of job of parents is also an important determinant of delinquency. Society as a whole should give up its fear and hostility towards the delinquents and anti-socials. Common delinquent acts in females are sexual offences, small thefts, drug usage, running away from home etc. Mentally retarded children should be specially and cautiously, dealt with parents and teachers. United States court systems have seen a recent spike in the prevalence of delinquent acts by juveniles. In his case neither realistic considerations, nor moral considerations operate to check his impulsive actions. Juvenile delinquency is a legal term referring to how the children and adolescents behave and is viewed by the adults as a crime that needs to be judged under law (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2010). Article shared by. the Puja could not be performed in time. Just because the guidance is negative in nature does not always mean that it will lead to an equally negative outcome. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay … The maximum age limit and also the meaning of delinquency varies from country to country. Strain theory which is also known as motivational theory describes desires that a juvenile have such as committing crimes. In a gang, the responsibility or blame of threat is not shouldered by any individual member, but by the gang as a whole just like in a mob. In addition to other important causes of delinquency, those who feel inadequate and rejected by the group and society join gangs, peer groups and companions and indulge in anti-social activities. Currently, in all the progressive and civilized countries of the world the laws with regard to the Juvenile delinquents have been changed. In the absence of play ground facility, the children start playing in the streets and eventually form a gang and the behaviour of the person is mostly influenced by the gang and so he develops delinquent tendencies. However, a low intelligence and mental retardation among 5% of the delinquents may be accounted to delinquent behaviour. According to Friedlander, delinquent character is the result of three factors: (i) The strength of the unmodified instinctive urges. As a result, the children need not play in street corners and constitute consciously or unconsciously street corner gangs. 17% OFF on your first order Type the code 17TUDENT. Juvenile delinquency is major issue in the United States. The teachers of reformatory schools should also keep in mind to act as substitutes of good, warm and understanding parents and help the children to generate a sense of security and involvement. Though some decades back in India the public opinion was very strong against divorce and remarriage, now it has changed to some extent with the increase in industrialization and urbanization. The most common co-occurring mental health disorder for juveniles is depression and delinquent behaviors. It is observed that crime and delinquency are increasing day by day with the increase in population and complexity of culture. He is taught only to ask for food at his own house. Poverty, abuse, and family tension are a few of the major reason for a child to become a juvenile delinquent. Delinquency as an antisocial personality is the function of certain pathological and ill developed social environment. Results showed that while the average I.Q. Studies also indicate that delinquency is committed in groups and in companies. There is also identity crisis in many of them. 2 to contribute to their Puja. The average age for those who are classified as delinquent in the United States is 18. Divorce and remarriage are quite common in the Western countries and urban areas. Discussion In common parlance, there is an understanding of juvenile delinquency as meaning adolescents breaking the law or participating in mischievous behavior. No social factors alone-can contribute to the causation of delinquency though social and cultural factors contribute their share to delinquency. Second place goes to M.P. There are a number of successful programs as well as unsuccessful programs that have been implemented over the years to aid and prevent juvenile delinquency. The teachers of such schools gradually try to become substituted parents and help the children in generating a sense of security, self confidence, right attitude towards society. In the same manner, socially disadvantaged youths, such as belonging to lower income groups, lower caste groups and having very little education, having lower status in the society may turn to delinquency also. The affectionless and loveless life due to proper parenting and judicious child rearing practices lead to several maladjustments and in some cases juvenile delinquency. These traumatic experiences may range from death of parents, children husband or wife, broken homes, disorganised families etc. It also provides for the establishment of reformatory schools for them. In case, they are caught by the police, the intelligent juveniles escape while the less intelligent juveniles arc trapped. What is lacking in an effective integration with the larger society as a contributing member. When the father is mostly busy with his own work and commitments or in other works, and if he plays a submissive role in the family, the mother takes over the function of providing affection and discipline of the boy. In a society regulated by laws, such a violation is called a crime. Essay Sample: I would have to apply a theory after reading the study, the reason for this is that he’s a loner and plus he has a group that he hangs out with at lunch. Some of them broke the image of Ganesh and broke the mike. A delinquent is a minor who commits a crime or a status offense. Uday Sankar (1958) conducted a study 011 the mental ability of the delinquents and found that the proportions of mentally defective children is very high among the 140 Juvenile delinquents he has studied. Various observations, case histories and interviews have indicated that quite a high percentage of the delinquents displayed emotional disturbances. They, therefore, must be helped to develop insight to their own behaviour and analyse their own behaviour which might have led to the maladjustment in the child. Young delinquents usually are sent to juvenile courts where the main aim is to rehabilitate offenders rather than to punish them. We got up from sleep and saw that two gangs are fighting with each other. Delinquency is said to be a gang experience. Here, their behaviour is resocialized by the help of group pressure. Burt found a high correlation of 77 between delinquency and density of population. Alas! With the formation of mass society, influence of technology on society and erosion of values, social disintegration is increasing day by day. The process of socialization puts a strong stamp mark on the behaviour of an individual in the society. They just did not care, use abusive language and again repeat their aggressive behaviour with more vigour. He, infact, lacks normal inner controls. Just to fulfil their aggressive and sadistic tendency they may drive their car to a small distance, break some parts of the car and leave it there. Disclaimer Copyright. Disharmony and problems of discipline were found in one third of the delinquents. children for their criminal purpose and gang work. Positive human values like honesty, sociability, amiability, truthfulness etc. Juvenile depression symptoms were used to predict patterns of age related changes in delinquency. Though rebellion and experimentation is common among adolescents, these children consistently participate in problematic behaviors that negatively affect their academic, social, and personal functioning (“About…”). Delinquency includes all sorts of crimes committed by children. It is found that even 50 per cent of the delinquents come from lower strata of the society with very poor economic background and hand to mouth living standard. British and American Investigations reveal that nearly 50 per cent of the delinquents come from broken homes. Among 5 % of the moment the intelligent juveniles arc trapped paper Largest database of flawless examples! Their antisocial, rebellious and hostile personality in the growing child are classified as delinquent in society. 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