Name of the plant - Gmelina arborea (Tamil : Kumil, Kumul) ‘N’ fixing capacity - NO Fodder Tree - Good Fodder Deciduous - NO Drought tolerance - YES. In Malawi it has been grown in plantations, to be harvested as fuelwood, mostly for use in tobacco barns. Major … A survey of the production and marketing system of Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) The gmelina tree grows naturally throughout India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and in the southern … Read about company. It does not thrive on ill-drained soils and remains stunted on dry, sandy or poor soils; drought also reduces it to a shrubby form. 1986. cuttings cultured photoautotrophically increased with the increase in number of air exchanges of the culture vessel and on the Florialite medium under ambient CO 2 concentration of 500 μmol mol- 1 and PPF of 150 μmol m- 2 s- 1.The increased dry weight, shoot length and leaf area of in vitro gmelina plants were the greatest at the number of air exchanges of 4.2 … Agriculture - Forestry ( … Univ. The dark purple to yellow ovoid drupe fruit is edible with a bitter-sweet taste. वानस्पतिक नाम: मेलिना आर्बोरेया Gmelina arborea; कुल (Family): वर्बीनेसिएई Verbenaceae; औषधीय उद्देश्य के लिए इस्तेमाल भाग: जड़, छाल, पुष्प, पत्ते, और फल; पौधे का प्रकार: वृक्ष; वितरण: पूरे भारतवर्ष में, श्री लंका, म्य� Botanical Name : Gmelina arborea Roxb Synonyms : Gmelina sinuata Link Common Name : Sevan, Shivan Plant Family : Verbenaceae Plant Form : Tree Occurrence (Sectors) : 1, 2, 4-6, 8, 10, 12-25, 29, 30 Occurrence (Special Areas) : Gujarat Forestry Research Foundation, Indroda Park, Basan, Aranya Van About Gmelina arborea Plant : Results revealed that the plantation had 246 trees/ha stocking rate; representing 19.2% stocking density and mean volume of 172.54M3/ha. The panicles of flowers appear from … It reaches a height of about 30 m and trunk diameter of usually 50 cm. It is really harmful for the goats when they eat the fruit & the leaves of gmelina tree? 1983. Piatos . The virtues of Gmelina arborea are fairly well known among Indian foresters, and they are listed by A.F.A. It does not thrive on ill drained soils and remains stunted on dry, sandy or poor soils; … Ovary is 4 chambered with one ovule each; style slender ending in a bifid stigma. For. Gmelina or Beechwood is a tree species that produces high-quality and economically valuable wood. Get contact details and address| ID: 5028543333 A short account of the anatomical, physical, strength and chemical characteristics of the wood of gmelina [Gmelina arborea], from which it is concluded that suitable uses are pulp/paper, furniture, plywood, matches, fuelwood, and other similar uses. Gmelina arborea wood is pale yellow to cream coloured or plusisk-buff when fresh, turning yellowish brown on … Gmelina definition, a deciduous tree, Gmelina arborea, native to Southeast Asia,whose timber is important in the tropics. Seeds are 1 or 2, hard and oblong ex-albuminous. Fruits are drupe and obovoid in shape, 1.8-2.5 cm long, pericarp leathery, shining yellow outside when dry; endocarp bony, embedded in an aromatic sweetish pulp. Can Gmelina be use as a weedkiller? Family. … Inside surface of bark rapidly turns brown on exposure and … Comparative study on physical and mechanical properties of laminated lumber and plywood panels made from fast-growing Gmelina arborea trees. It is a beautiful fast growing avenue tree that grows throughout India. Native to the Indian Sub-continent (i.e. The Gmelina arborea tree attains moderate to large height up to 30m with girth of 1,20m to 4m a cholrophyll layer just a under the outer bark, pale yellow white inside. 30 Jan 2019. Benice . Melina or gamhar (Gmelina arborea) is a deciduous tree of the family Lamiaceae. It can grow in all type of soils (fertile or poor, water logging to be avoided). Open Access. kay mamatay na sila ana. Gmelina arborea Roxb Verbenaceae Gmelina, White teak. oblique limbs. Features:-Gmelina arborea is a fast-growing tree, which grows on different localities and prefers moist fertile valleys with 750–4500 mm rainfall. The leaves are simple, opposite and heart shaped tapering towards the apex with length of 10-25 cm and breadth of 8-20 cm. Wayne ( Philippines ) 04 Mar 2017. Survey respondents included farmers, who planted and have undertaken their first harvest of Gmelina trees, and sawmill operators in the nearby coastal towns who are processing and marketing Gmelina logs.. Average farm size in the study was 2.5 ha. The Gmelina arborea tree attains moderate to large height up to 30 m with girth of 1.2 to 4.5 m with a clear bole of 9-15 m. It has a smooth whitish grey (ashy) corky bark, warty with lenticular tubercles exfoliating in regular patches when old. Tolerance to water logging - No tolerance. Reply . Lamb, 1968 (fast growing timber trees of the lowland tropics, Gmelina arborea, C.F.I. The objective of the study is to identify seed size and sources that are superior in terms of important characteristics that would be the best sources for seed improvement programmes and production of Gmelina trees. It is wide spreading with numerous branches forming a large shady crown, attains a height of 30 m or more and a diameter of up to 4.5 m. Bark smooth, pale ashy-grey or grey to yellow with black patches and conspicuous corky circular lenticels. Gmelina leichhardtii, the white beech, is a tropical forest tree of eastern Australia. Deciduous trees, to 18 m high, bark 8-10 mm thick, white or whitish-grey, smooth, lenticellate, scurfy, exfoliating in thin flakes; blaze yellow, with triangular rays; branchlets stout, tomentose. Harvesting cycles of 5 yr are suggested for fuelwood, 15 yr for plywood and boards, 20 yr for construction timber, and 8 yr for uses such as … Good evening! on good sites for short rotations, yields exceeding 35 m 3 per hectare per year (500 cu. Gmelina arborea is an unarmed, moderately sized to large deciduous tree with a straight trunk. J Wood Sc (57): 134–139. The widespread smallholder tree plantations of Gmelina arborea established in the South Philippines in the 1980s led to price boom and bust cycles rather than the expected economic returns for growers. This medicinal plant is highly valued from time immemorial because of its vast … Good alternative to Teak, but for much lower price. Botanical name: Gmelina arborea Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena family) Gamhar is a beautiful fast growing deciduous tree occurring naturally throughout greater part of India up to 1500 m. It is a fast growing tree, which though grows on different localities and prefers moist fertile valleys with 750-4500 mm rainfall. Very harmful jd kaayo ang gmelina sa mga kanding. Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), … Lamiaceae (Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia) Verbenaceae (Northern Territory) Common Names. Reply . See more. Dept. Gmelina arborea or Gmelina is a fast-growing deciduous tree that can be found in India, parts of Southeast Asia, China, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. HAHAHAHA . Timber & Products ( Wood is used for firewood and production of good quality pulp.) Gmelina arborea wood is pale yellow to cream-coloured or pinkish-buff when fresh, turning yellowish brown on exposure and is soft to moderately hard, light to moderately heavy. Source: James A. Duke. Origin. Gmelina arborea, (in English beechwood, gmelina, goomar teak, Kashmir tree, Malay beechwood, white teak, yemane), locally known as gamhar, is a fast-growing deciduous tree, occurring naturally throughout greater part of India at altitudes up to 1,500 meters. Trees of Bangalore - RA - Gmelina arborea - White Kashmir Teak Tree - Gamhar: Gamhar is a beautiful fast growing deciduous tree occurring naturally throughout greater part of India up to 1500 m. It is a fast growing tree, which though grows on different localities and prefers moist fertile valleys with 750-4500 mm rainfall. in smallholder farms was conducted in Claveria. The growth of single node Gmelina arborea Roxb. Genus Gmelina is named after Johann Georg Gmelin (1709 - 1755), a German professor of botany of Tubingen University. It can grow moderate to large height up to 30 m with girth of 1.2 to 4. Gautam Global - Offering Gmelina Arborea Melina Tree, फॉरेस्ट्री प्लांट, Tree Seeds in Old Connaught Place, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Gmelina Arborea is one of the fast growing tree and has good timber value. Gmelina arborea Roxb. Oxford) as follows: Easy and comparatively cheap establishment, quick growth, i.e. Some of the agroforestry models are Gmelina + Ground nut, Gmelina +Water melon, Gmelina +Pulses, Gmelina +Maize, Gmelina +Banana. Reply . unpublished. The tree will die if planted in high clay soil and in water logging area after initial establishment. Without water even up to 7 months Soil type / pH range - Red soil, Calciferous, Mixed soil. Gmelina arborea is a deciduous trees that attains height up to 20 meters. Gmelina arborea is a useful multipurpose shade tree for coffee and cocoa plantations; it suppresses grasses and provides livestock fodder. Gmelina arborea wood is pale yellow white inside. ft. per acre) may be … Gamhar is also cultivated as a garden ornamental and as a street tree. The flowers are bisexual having reddish to yellow color; resemble to those of vasa flowers. Lightweight hardwood . Gamhar is also cultivated as a garden ornamental and as a street tree. The crown is large and shady. It will give good returns in 8-10 years. It is a treat to see the Gmelina arborea tree standing straight with clear bole having branches on top and thick foliage forming a conical crown on the top of … The heartwood of Gmelina is moderately durable. The bark is grayish white colored, which exfoliates in thin flakes. This study evaluates grower responses to the timber price bubbles of the 1990s and recommends policy responses. Multi - tier cropping system also has been followed in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu. [UNIDO] United Nation Industrial Development Organization and Industrial Development Center for Arab State. Species arborea means tree-liked and branched. The flowers are edible as well - usually mixed with rice to make a cake-like dish … Handbook of Energy Crops. Uses The wood is one of the best timbers of the tropics, useful for particle board, plywood core stock, … 1600p. Stamens are 4 in number and didynamous. Gmelina arborea Roxb. Gmelina arborea is a useful multipurpose shade tree for coffee and cocoa plantations; it suppresses grasses and provides livestock fodder. It also occurs naturally in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and in southern provinces of China.Since the 1960s, it has been … Effect of Site Preparation and Initial Fertilization on the Establishment and … Coconut + Gmelina + Banana + Pepper (pepper trained on the Gmelina trees). Gmelina arborea Roxb is one of the important medicinal plants most widely propagated and cultivated species of the family Verbenaceae. Ethnobotanical Uses: Edible Plant Parts (Edible Fruits) Medicinal ( The fruit and bark can be used for treatment for bilious fever.) Uses; Folk Medicine; Chemistry; Description; Germplasm; Distribution; Ecology; Cultivation; Harvesting; Yields and Economics; Energy; Biotic Factors ; References. 28 Feb 2017. yeeah! In Malawi it has been grown in plantations, to be harvested as fuelwood, mostly for use in tobacco barns. Leaves simple, opposite, estipulate; petiole 5-12.5 cm long, slender, tomentose; lamina 7.5-25 x 6-20 cm, broadly ovate or ovate, base cordate truncate or rounded, apex acute or acuminate, margin entire, glabrous above … Tree … The resistance to termite and marine borer attack is variable, but the wood is usually classified as … Growing of Gmelina arborea in agroforestry model is a commercial practice in TamilNadu. For the effective management of economically and ecologically valuable tree species, it is crucial to understand pollination and resource allocation p… The leaves are also used for silkworm culture. Reply . It was observed that improved silvicultural operations such as thinning, pruning, fire tracing and prevention illegal farming activities … The fruits are orange yellow colored … It is commonly known as “Kashmarya” and one of the herbs mentioned in all ancient scriptures of Ayurveda. It does not thrive on ill drained soils and remains stunted on dry, sandy or poor soils; … stratified random sampling technique was used to select sample plots, Gmelina arborea trees that were 30cm and above were measured. Isha ( … Scattered individuals or small groups of trees naturally occur from the Illawarra district of New South Wales (34½° S) to near Proserpine in tropical Queensland.The white beech or grey teak is a fast-growing tree, growing on volcanic and alluvial soils in areas of moderate to high rainfall. The leaves are also used for silkworm culture. This tree comes from Southeast Asia, in other countries, it is known as Gamari, Gumadi, Gamar, Yemane, Goomar teak, Kashmir tree, Malay beechwood, and White teak. it is really harmful especialy to goats . Manual for Evaluation of Industrial Reference Project [ISBN 92-1-1060-111-3]. An investigation was undertaken at Njala, in Sierra Leone to assess the effect of provenance and seed size on germination and physiological traits of Gmelina arborea . gamhar, gmelina, gumhar, Malay beechwood, Malay bush beech, Malay bush-beech, snapdragon tree, white beech, white tea, yemane, yemani. The tree attains moderate to large heights of up to 30 m, with a girth of 1.2 to 4 m. It has a chlorophyll layer just under the outer bark, which is … Nectar from the flowers yields high-quality … Nectar from the flowers yields high-quality … It also grows on poorer sedimentary … The bark is grayish white colored, which exfoliates in thin flakes, exfoliates. Comparatively cheap establishment, quick growth, i.e of good quality pulp. ( growing... And remains stunted on dry, sandy or poor, water logging after! Length of 10-25 cm and breadth of 8-20 cm or poor, water logging to be harvested as,. 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