Shipping Information; Returns & Cancellations; About Us About Us. width:100%;max-width:800px;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;margin:50px auto 20px auto; width:100%; $124.99 $ 124. margin:0 auto; margin:0 auto; Four-sided fireplace doors are a great choice for your hole in the wall fireplace, but for those with a hearth, you need an inside fit door, which looks like this. .but-mockups {width:320px;height:50px;margin:-20px auto 0 auto;} Free Shipping on Orders $49+ max-width:500px; .ds-finish-wrapper h2 { .doorImg img { min-width:180px; display:block; background-color:#f3f3f3; margin:0; .doorclear2 { These are heavy duty accessories made from 3/16" thick solid laser cut steel, so they are functional and durable and will add class and beauty to your fireplace. width:100%; min-width:180px; FAQs | Explore our rich history and meet the "Real People" behind Hansen Wholesale. width:100%; float:none; Talk To Our Fireplace Door … background-color:#129bcb; You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. font-size:18pt; } padding:10px 10px 30px 10px; .divshadow h2, h1, .toplinks td h2 {font-size:3.5vw;} } @media screen and (max-width:991px) { width:100%; text-align:center; .serviceleft h1 { .show-mobile {display:block;} Call for pricing. Free shipping is offered on orders over $250. width:100%; Welcome to Discount Fireplace Outlet! font-weight:normal;color:black !important;font-size:11pt;margin-bottom:20px;display: inline-block; .ds-finish img { .infolinks table td ol li {margin-bottom:10px;} } } .ds-finish200 {width:200px;text-align:center;float:left;margin:0 20px 20px 0;line-height:110%;background-color:#f3f3f3;} clear:none; This exclusive Regal feature is only one of many that gives it a lifetime of tarnish-free beauty. text-decoration: none !important; .ds-finish500 {width:100%;max-width:500px;margin:0 auto 30px auto;} Frame Sizes. How To Read Measuring Tape. } @media screen and (max-width:480px) { width:100%; text-align: center; } @media screen and (max-width:800px) { h1 {font-size:18pt;} background-color:#f3f3f3; Please be patient during this crisis if shipping takes longer than quoted. For added elegance you can have the vertical edges of the glass beveled. } We’re here to find the right fit for you. Below is a screenshot of the finishes. .doorImg img { } h1 {text-align:center;font-size:36pt;font-weight:bold;text-transform:capitalize;margin:0 auto 20px auto !important;color:#39c;} padding:3px; .divshadow a.button {margin:10px auto 0 auto !important;width:100%;} .subtitletext {text-align:center;font-size:18pt;font-weight:bold;text-transform:capitalize;margin:0 !important;color:#39c;font-family: 'Minion Pro Italic';} Discount Fireplace Outlet offers quality hearth products at affordable, discounted prices. text-align;center; .serviceright { They are made in America and feature the best craftsmanship and customer service we’ve seen in our many years in business. } Shop our selection of Stock Fireplace Doors, Custom Fireplace Doors, Rectangle Fireplace Doors, Quick Ship Fireplace Doors and Arched Fireplace Doors. .serviceleft { h2 {text-align:center;font-size:20pt !important;} .divshadow p {margin-bottom:10px;} .titletext {font-size:24pt;} max-width:500px; font-family: 'Minion Pro Medium'; How To Order | } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { .bg-gray { Many masonry fireplace doors need a hearth for the frame of your fireplace door to sit on, but a four-sided fireplace door doesn’t! font-family: 'Avenir LT Std 55 Roman'; } .ds-finish500 { width:100%; This option is available on most Legend and Carolina doors for masonry fireplaces only at a $150.00 up-charge. .ds-finish500 img { padding:0 30px; .doorheader600 {display:block;} h1 {text-align:center;font-size:36pt;font-weight:bold;text-transform:capitalize;margin:0 auto 20px auto !important;color:#39c;} -moz-border-radius: 2px; Two-Tone doors can be made with the outer frame and door trim in different finishes. text-align:center; .ds-finish { text-align: center; .divshadow { Tags: 2 Burner Gas Stove Glass | Fireplace Doors | Transparent Ceramic Glass . You can learn all the ins and outs to what line means what and how to measure items with ease! You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. border-radius: 2px; margin:10px auto !important; width:100%; 05-04-2020. } } width:20%; Shop New Energy Distributing for great prices on wood stoves, gas fireplaces, gas grills, fireplace blowers, firebrick and other hearth products. clear:both; border:0px solid silver; .but-mockups {width:320px;height:50px;margin:5px auto 0 auto;} } .doorImg b { min-width:200px; background-color:silver; We have been online since 1994! .doorheader600 {display:block;} Warehouse closures, social distancing and limited staff may cause unexpected shipping delays on items shipped directly by manufacturers. color:white !important; max-width:900px; Menu. margin:25px 0; text-align;center; Browse By Style. /*.hide-mobile {display:none;}*/ .gas-log-sub-header span {font-size:12pt;} Tight fitting doors provide a more air-tight seal by blocking airflow between the glass panes. width:100%; Buckingham Arch Makeover Fireplace Door in Vintage Iron. .but-mockups img {width:100%} } Warehouse closures, social distancing and limited staff may cause unexpected shipping delays on items shipped directly by manufacturers. Carolina doors are available in powder coat and artisan premier finishes only. At Hansen Wholesale, we specialize in Custom Fireplace Doors to fit small fireplaces and have a lot of fine options to choose from. text-align:center; .divshadow { } } .doorImg span { .handles {width:48%;float:left;}, Free Design Service | ASK AN EXPERT! } /*.hide-mobile {display:none;}*/ GET UPDATES. .titletext {font-size:32pt;} font-size: 16px; 4.6 out of 5 stars 54. .serviceleft img { About Woodland Direct; Meet Our Experts; Affiliate Program; Contact Us Contact Us. .serviceleft img { .serviceright img { h2 {text-align:center;font-size:20pt !important;} width:100%; text-align:center; width:100%;max-width:800px;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;margin:50px auto 20px auto; float:none; Some of life’s coziest moments are spent in front of a fireplace. Enjoy our free design service! line-height: 1.5; Dampers are metal plates that regulate airflow in your chimney. .pagewidth {padding:0 10px;} .doorImg img { Our experts can answer your questions, help you find what you need quickly and make sure you get the BEST DEAL!<. text-transform: uppercase; Electric Fireplace Heaters and Inserts. } padding:0; .infolinks {border-top:0px solid silver;border-bottom:1px solid silver;padding:30px 0;margin:0} Wholesale decorative fireplace doors products from decorative fireplace doors wholesalers, You can wholesale decorative material, wholesale decorative item and more on } font-weight:bold; .img800 { See style options here! Hansen Wholesale works exclusively with Design Specialties fireplace doors. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. div.learn-more-btn2 a:hover {background-color:white;color: #6d6153 !important;} text-align:center; min-width:200px; Fireplace Doors Online has analyzed this conundrum and is here to provide you with the facts! .divshadow h2, h1, .toplinks td h2 {font-size:3.5vw;} 07-08-2020. color: #636363; .doorheader {display:block;width:100%;max-width:1400px;margin-bottom:30px;} We have been online since 1994! margin:0 auto; } } font-weight:bold; .doorclear { background-color:#129bcb; text-align:center; padding:0; .but-mockups {width:320px;height:50px;margin:5px auto 0 auto;} Wholesale accounts can pay with a credit card or choose to be set up on open credit terms. text-transform: none; .serviceleft h1 { min-width:320px; Wholesale Price Quality Cast Iron Door , Find Complete Details about Wholesale Price Quality Cast Iron Door,Cast Iron Door,Fireplace Door,Cast Iron Doors from Stoves Supplier or Manufacturer-Xuzhou Goldfire Stove Co., Ltd. Save up to 35% Off Fireplace Doors! width:30%; } The bronze colored 1/4" tempered glass doors carry Thermo-Rite’s lifetime glass warranty. margin:0 auto 70px auto; How To Order | .ds-finish200 {width:100%;max-width:200px;margin:0 auto 30px auto;float:none;display:block;} max-width:400px; clear:none; Our experts can answer your questions, help you find what you need quickly and make sure you get the BEST DEAL!<. Glass Fireplace Doors . min-width:320px; .ds-finish-wrapper { .serviceleft { clear:both; .ds-finish-wrapper { color:black; max-width:500px; margin-top:0 !important; border-right: 1px solid #6d6153; .serviceright img { /*margin:20px auto 10px auto !important;*/ background-color:white; Fireplace Screens. padding: 10px; .divshadow h2, h1 { .ds-finish200 {width:200px;text-align:center;float:left;margin:0 20px 20px 0;line-height:110%;background-color:#f3f3f3;} /*.show-mobile {display:block;}*/ font-size:24pt; Fireplace Wholesale is Boise's finest fireplace showroom. .ds-finish200 img {width:100%;mix-blend-mode:darken} .divshadow a.button {margin:10px auto 0 auto !important;} Fireplace Door Brands. } View better pictures of the finish samples here! max-width:400px; WBHome Fireplace Screen with Doors Large Flat Guard Metal Decorative Mesh Cover Baby Safe Proof Wrought Iron Firewood Burning Stove Accessories Black (45”L x 15’’W x 33’’H) 4.4 out of 5 stars 84. min-width:200px; line-height: 23px; width:30%; .pagewidth {padding:0 10px;} display:block; max-width:500px; .serviceright { Log in / Sign up ASK AN EXPERT! .titletext {font-size:24pt;} } } .doorheader600 {display:none;width:100%;max-width:800px;margin-bottom:30px;} } } width:100%; min-width:200px; Newly installed units fit like a glove, but after a year or two, they tend to warp and allow extra air to pass into the chimney. The following instructions are meant to be general guidelines. .infolinks {border-top:0px solid silver;border-bottom:1px solid silver;padding:30px 0;margin:0} It is much more than simply a source of heat, it is a gathering place for the family. 314-581-0758; Sign in or Register; Compare ; Gift Certificates; Cart. } View better pictures of the finish samples here! text-align:center; @media (max-width: 991px) { .serviceleft h1 { } Choose from 28 different finishes to create a fireplace door that works with traditional or contemporary style. Southern Fireplace Distributors specializes in Masonry and Direct Vent Fireplaces, as well as custom chimney caps and venting solutions. min-width:200px; float:left; padding:0; .doorImg span { .ordercall {font-size:5vw;color:#129BCB;} Choose an electric fireplace heater from a big brand like margin:0 auto 50px auto; color:gray; Although almost any of the steel doors we have can be made with an arch, we have a few here for you to see. .img800 img { color:black; color:white !important; max-width:450px; clear:none; margin:25px 10px; Tight Fitting Doors provide a more air-tight seal by blocking airflow between the glass panes. We have the most complete selection of fireplaces, inserts and stoves in the Boise area. .divshadow a.button {margin:10px auto 0 auto !important;} FREE Shipping by Amazon. font-weight:bold; margin:10px 0; width:100%; } We strongly recommend consulting your owner's manual before attempting to replace the glass on … @media screen and (max-width:480px) { Sign Up For Exclusive Offers & Updates. } Wholesale fireplace door products from fireplace door wholesalers, You can wholesale glass door, wholesale tempered glass and more on cursor: pointer; display:block; Design Specialties offers a wide variety of heat resistant finishes for the Carolina and Legend doors. display:block; Wholesale Fireplace Doors in Southfield on } FAQs | } border-radius: 5px; .doorheader {display:block;width:100%;max-width:1400px;margin-bottom:30px;} .divshadow a {color: #129bcb;} display:block; width:100%; -moz-border-radius: 2px; Please keep in mind that they may not apply to your particular fireplace application. See style options here! .subtitletext {text-align:center;font-size:18pt;font-weight:bold;text-transform:capitalize;margin:0 !important;color:#39c;font-family: 'Minion Pro Italic';} These are heavy duty accessories made from 3/16" thick solid laser cut steel, so they are functional and durable and will add class and beauty to your fireplace. /*background-color:#f3f3f3;*/ float:left; Carolina doors can only have Metallic and Hand Crafted finishes on the door trim only, not the outer frame. margin:0 auto; .but-mockups {width:320px;height:50px;margin:-20px auto 0 auto;} It’s difficult to rely on it when longevity and durability are in question. /*background-color:#f3f3f3;*/ max-width:500px; .serviceright { Indoor electric fireplaces are an efficient and stylish way to heat your home, and you can buy the perfect electric fireplace with the specifications you need from line-height: 23px; max-width:500px; Wed 12/23: 8:30am - 8pm EST; Thurs … width:100%; margin:0 auto 70px auto; color: #6d6153; .serviceright { .serviceleft h1 { Our Buyer’s Guides will help learn what to look for when shopping for Ceiling Fans, Lighting and Gas Logs. min-width:200px; Choose your glass color above and then add the desired bevel. /*background-color:#f3f3f3;*/ Fireplaces doors for existing openings are readily retrofitted with the aid of our "retrofit fireplace door worksheet" along with pictures and phone conversations. Get it as soon as Wed, Jan 6. min-width:320px; We help home and property owners decide on how to incorporate their fireplaces into their overall design. } You can have a combination finish between the outer frame and door frame with lots of finishes to choose from as well as unique door patterns. Fire Pits; Electric Fireplaces ; Wood Burning Fireplaces . padding:5px 0; Search. .infolinks table td ol li {margin-bottom:10px;} } .doorclear { View better pictures of the finish samples here! .ds-finish500 {width:100%;max-width:500px;margin:0 auto 30px auto;} .ds-finish { Choose your glass color above and then add the desired bevel. Two-Toned Door (outer frame different than inner frame), 1/4" Fully Tempered Clear, Bronze or Gray Glass w/Lifetime Warranty, 1/2" or 1" Beveled Glass (vertical edges), Hansen Wholesale 11132 Winners Circle, Suite 100, Los Alamitos, CA 90720. For more than 80 years, Fire Magic has been building the world’s finest outdoor gas grills, for people who demand the highest quality and performance. font-size: 16px; } div.learn-more-btn2 a { Design Specialties also makes Fireplace Tools and Wood Holders in Powder Coat and Artisan Premier finishes to compliment your fireplace doors. .img800 { float:left; margin:10px 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 6px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2); USA Made Fireplace Products - Support American businesses and our economy. The Regal features full swing, fold back, trackless clearview bifold doors. is your complete one-stop-shop fireplace accessories super-store. } border-radius: 2px; .infolinks table {border:0;width:100%} If ... Fireplace Doors. FREE SHIPPING OVER $99. font-size:32pt; font-size:11pt; } You’ll enjoy browsing our extensive selection of fireplace supplies, including top quality fireplace screens and doors, beautiful realistic looking vented and vent free gas log sets, hundreds of unique fireplace tool sets to choose from, and so much more! Specialties are laser cut from from 3/16 '' thick solid steel, so there are different models and styles fireplace! We are your online fireplace leader with an assortment of fireplaces and inserts at wholesale.! To rely on it when longevity and durability are in question of this website on! 2 Burner Gas Stove glass | fireplace doors wholesalers, you can have the vertical edges of the glass.. Register ; Compare ; Gift Certificates ; Cart photos, directions, phone numbers more. Elegance you can wholesale decorative material, wholesale tempered glass doors carry Thermo-Rite ’ s difficult rely. 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