Recent clinical evidence bears out the fact that repeated fasting does not cause muscle loss. These data suggest that post-WL hyperphagia need not be an immediate response to diet therapy. I made a thread about this yesterday and someone posted this link: . I've looked up his research output and it appears to be practically zero and certainly not an impressive body of research that would naturally lead to his claims about fasting. And because OP presented interesting studies, let's see what other studies say: Fasting is starvation. Intermittent fasting may cause muscle loss more than weight loss, study says Popular diet trend not a more effective form of weight loss Even body building 6 meals a day in a deficet u lose muscle tissue. Do short-term fasts work for long-term weight control? However, I'd really love to see a study about a long fast with weight training. In contrast, although the VLCD and LCD groups maintained, their new lower body weight for up to 3 months, by 1 year, most had regained the weight. But how very interesting. However, it should be noted that unless you go on a 5+ day fast regularly, it would be damn near impossible to lose significant muscle mass with 24 hour daily fasts or Alternate Day Fasts, and even less likely with the more popular 16:8 IF. And really, if anyone was going to show it's possible, it would have happened by now. Let’s consider a simple analogy: You’re at a cabin in the woods in the middle of winter. Was the individual obese? I'm totally a fan of research into fasting and muscle loss though as a casual bodybuilder. Search the internet and Reddit boards, and you’ll find passionate devotees talking about the advantages of fasting for weight loss, muscle gain and other benefits, like improved mental clarity. In this schedule, subjects eat normally on feeding days, and alternate that with a day of fasting. Intermittent fasting, also known as time restricted eating, is the “in” diet right now, but a new study revealed surprising results. You cannot lose muscle mass in a fast unless we’re talking more than 5 day fasts or you’re just training your ass lifting with no aminos to supply your muscle tissue. Yeah. Seems to be a kidney specialist which confers no special expertise about fasting really, other than a sound understanding of physiology. Maybe the enviroment was boring and the participants were more aware of their sensations, I cannot know. This is not easy to answer, because no measurements were made at the 1-year time-point. That said: I quite disagree with some of the conclusions of the study, or at least with the reports from the fasters. I think it’s inevitable to gain/lose both fat and muscle because our body can never really only do one metabolic process at one time. Read here: The body already has mechanisms in place during fasting to preserve lean mass and to burn fat for fuel instead of protein. Whatever form of water fasting you practice, from IF to extended fasting and everything in between, and whether you're fasting for health, weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. We can conclude that fasting is a ‘quick fix’ to achieve a substantial WL (up to 5% loss in 6 days). Then in maintenance i can make adjustments as needed. Note that I'm not taking sides here, just pointing out that Fung is likely exaggerating the 'muscle protective' effects during a long-term fast. The fasting window should ideally be around 16 hours. As long as you're taking in sufficient calories and nutrients, you don't need to fear fasting and muscle loss. There is, however, the problem of elevated hunger during food restriction and this may provide too great a challenge to a ‘faster’ in not breaking compliance to the dieting regime and reaching for the biscuit barrel. Whatever you think of him, or any other health guru, one should never take what they say as fact, especially when they're selling you something or are way too sure of their position when they have no right to be. But a new study finds that it could lead to muscle loss. If you want to keep your muscle mass, intermittent fasting is the way to go. The question is simply how much muscle and how much that muscle loss matters in comparison to the other benefits that long-term fasting can provide (fat loss, autophagy, improvement in insulin resistance, etc.). First of all BCAA doesn't work, second it's not fasting if you drink BCAA because they raise the insulin and third, muscle loss doesn't happen just like that.. Continue this thread View Entire Discussion (27 … Fung isn't lying, but he could have been a bit more transparent. What I don't understand is exactly how long it takes before you start to see muscle loss. Well I didn't read one study cause it was more length than I can handle ;). Stephen Phinney on fasting and muscle loss. I had several 24 and 48h fasts under my belt, but this was the first long one. It doesn't matter which word they use, the protocol is the same. Fasting and muscle loss Does anyone have experience with extended water fasting and muscle loss? Autophagy can help maintain muscle mass and decrease inflammation and aging (again, in rats and in human cells . Intermittent fasting probably does not cause more muscle loss than other weight loss diets. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I don't know what the exercise was like on either of them though. But it can speed up or slow down those chemical reactions preferentially, and/or make the substrates more or less available, so that one process can dominate at any given time according to what you need (as dictated mainly by hormones). Long story short he implicates that lean body mass (both muscle and organ tissue) is broken down regardless of body weight, so you may lose muscle during a long term water fast. In other words, fasting might be better for fat loss than for muscle gain. March 21, 2011 — Posted in Nutrition. I've experienced the same reduction in hunger, and quite enjoy the 'on edge, but in a good way' feeling that I have throughout the day when I've been doing OMAD. The scientific consensus shows that calorie restriction leads to muscle loss no matter how it is achieved. I realize in the course of a couple days it still wouldn't be much, but if you're trying to optimize muscle preservation, then extended fasting it may not be the best - the rate of loss appears to be 2-5 times higher. Eat Every Other Day, you seem to be a winner. In fact, intermittent fasting has many benefits. So if muscle is being lost during the fasts it seems to come back quickly once eating again. In this schedule, subjects eat normally on feeding days, and alternate that with a … If you decide to test the benefits of IF while building muscle, try to pair your fasting days with your rest days and … In a 2010 study of alternate daily fasting, patients were able to lose significant fat mass with no change in lean mass. Health Tips. But fasting as a daily tool is definitely useful. What sort of fasting we are talking about? During the ad libitum period, when subjects determined their own feeding behaviour within the HNU, the men, continued to lose weight by a further −1.8, −1.3 and −1.7 kg in the fasting, VLCD and LCD groups respectively, (Table 1). Anecdotally I don’t think i’ve lost muscle at all doing 48 hour fast and also i’m not training my ass off on these fast. The other study had 800 kcals which means it isn't a true fast. I'm considering doing a 20 day water fast soon but don't want to lose all the muscle … Plus since i have tons of fat i think percentage-wise i wont be losing much protein. I hoped it was possible to use extended water-fasts to cut down to 10-12% without losing too much strength in the process. Where does that first study show zero changes in muscle mass? Supplement companies, of course, try to convince you otherwise. that the criteria predetermined the selection of men who would be successful with this strategy. That means that fasting is more than 4 times better at preventing lean tissue loss. The harsher the restriction, the greater the muscle loss. especially as the content of the WL included transient elements (e.g. Note that I'm not taking sides here, just pointing out that Fung is likely exaggerating the 'muscle protective' effects during a long-term fast. The cause for muscle loss would be from lack of daily calories, not intermittent fasting. I cannot go so far to call him a quack or a crank but there are shades of it. The truth about alcohol, fat loss and muscle growth. Intermittent fasting focuses on the time window that you’re eating. How did you gain those muscles? It keeps your system running efficiently. It is a prolonged period of time without eating. Fasting causing muscle loss is a huge myth. The longest one I've done was 5 days where i lost 4.4kg of which 0.5 kg where muscle (according to my scale). Thus, subjects cognitively restrained their intake below requirements in order to control body weight. Why do we lose muscle mass during water fasting? Whatever form of water fasting you practice, from IF to extended fasting and everything in between, and whether you're fasting for health, weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. Outdoor parties, clubbing, vacations and the whole shebang. Fasting and Muscle Loss I understand that "starvation mode" is a myth, and that your body isn't going to freak out and start eating its muscles if you go longer than three hours without a meal. Still, without listening to Fung's lectures, I would never have dared to fast for more than 16 hours at a time, so I do think he does more good than harm. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Intermittent Fasting and Muscle Loss. the subjects in the fasting group maintain their new stable body weight?’, because this is contrary to common sense. Does intermittent fasting preserve muscle mass during weight loss? Keto and Muscle Loss: Diet variation and muscle growth. Point here is intermittent. And the amazing thing is, they can do it without any detectable loss of muscle mass . I have trained and coached for 20 + years no way around losing muscle dieting. Fat Loss Intermittent Fasting Research. No, he doesn't need to use hyperbole. By the way adipose tissue is about 15% lean mass. Lesson. The best approach to intermittent fasting, if you plan to build muscle mass, is to limit the fasting period to about 10-12 hours; this way you get the benefits of fasting but don’t limit your capacity to build muscle. Humans, on the other hand, we tend to lose a lot of muscle mass during starvation. Turned out to be mostly bullshit and really makes very little difference compared to your overall daily amount (which of course is good news for fasters). They keep saying no fat free mass lost "versus control" but even that doesn't seem to make sense as the control group lost hardly anything, albeit in the same proportions. Interesting study. Dangers of Fasting for Weight Loss When you dramatically reduce your calorie intake, you will lose weight . That is classic bullshit extrapolation typical of bro-scientists. Hello, how do you people avoid loosing muscle during a long fast. Noticeably, subjects in the fasting group lost more weight (∼3.5 kg) (P < 0.005) in the 10-week follow-up period, and, maintained most of their WL at 1 year (Table 1). Recent clinical evidence bears out the fact that repeated fasting does not cause muscle loss. Also, fasting results in minimal loss of fat tissue, in comparison with other dietary regimes and does involve substantial loss of lean (protein) tissue and this may impact on physiological function. And, what have learned today thanks to poiuyt_qwerty? Neither of these lead to good science. Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular weight loss methods, and for good reason—it works! However, I'd like to see what happens if the participants lift weights. If you look at the slides that he uses to show how the level of protein used is flat, while the level of fat is spiking during a fast, the protein curve does not lie on the x-axis... During his lectures, he kind of glosses over how during a fast, we still use protein at a steady rate. Dieters achieved minimal results during a three month period and lost an average of just 2 pounds, slightly more than those who did not follow the diet—and most of the weight shed was not fat, but muscle. People defend it with various reasoning, often things like "he has to use hyperbole to attract the fad dieters" and worse. Fat loss Intermittent fasting can also help you lose weight, largely because it puts you into a convenient pattern of fasting and feasting. I think it comes down to your composition and priorities. Intermittent fasting in particular has become a fasting fad being studied for its potential benefits including fat loss, inflammation reduction, and hormone regulation.. As per the research, in an intermittent fasting regime, one may have more muscle loss than weight loss. I will say, part of what you highlighted in reference to adherence was alternate-day fasting, I believe. Press J to jump to the feed. Once again, fear mongerers would have estimated about about an 18 pound muscle loss. Intermittent fasting seems to be better for losing weight. I do a lot of fasting, I also exercise during fasts and between them but not excessively. July 17, 2010 — Posted in Nutrition, Training. In a 2010 study of alternate daily fasting, patients were able to lose significant fat mass with no change in lean mass. We also need a good study on exercise/fasting instead of just fasting and lounging around in a hospital. If you don't need to lose a lot of weight (BMI 30 or so), maybe going for 48-hours fasts or EEOD may be the option for you. For the first study, they did six-day water fasts. I plan on using daily fasting for the rest of my life, but my primary concern had been conserving muscle mass. What do you want to fast for? His other claims about weightloss not being about calories but all about scientific-sounding insulin responses are simply not borne out by the literature. of muscle. It does all of them, all the time. However, my record is 70 hours, not six days. He's utterly convinced of a position and making money from that position. HGH is boosted through fasting. Set your fasting and feeding windows. There’s one good way to build muscle – exercise. I had noticed that myself. And no amount of hypothesising about "boots in HGH levels" show otherwise. Press J to jump to the feed. Here’s how to prevent muscle loss while fasting. But alternate day fasting looks like it can still seriously decrease my weekly deficit without having to eat ~1200 kcal every day. This is quite exciting, so I’m interrupting my planned schedule to give you the low down on these findings. From my own measurements before and after cutting I find fasting leaves me with about a quarter inch more on my bicep than restriction. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It's a guarantee that muscle will be lost during a long-term full fast. I have dexa scans that show my fat loss at 32 lbs while LBM is up 4 lbs. Don't do six days fasts unless you're so overweight and have such a terrible, wrecked, wretched relationship with food that you absolutely need to, or unless you're looking for severe autophagy, or doing it for self-discipline reasons, or as a challenge. I’m Facing the Fat, the guy fasted for 55 days and lost over 40 lbs of fat and 4 lbs. Lean tissue is not muscles only. In the second study, they're comparing 800 calories of a standard diet, against a ketogenic diet, against completely fasting, so they have three groups they're comparing. Unless you just randomly wing it and break the rules of your physiology. Many of the studies similarly aren't actually water fasts. It should be noted that these subjects volunteered for this WL study with full knowledge that it involved fasting and that they may be predisposed to do well within this WL regime., i.e. There’s a snowstorm going on outside, and inside the cabin it’s freezing cold and you want to make a fire in the fireplace. DEXA scans are notoriously inaccurate if they're not combined with measurements of hydration. I talked about this in my article “Diabetes and fat loss”, but it applies to elevators, behaviors as well as nutrients. In fact, the researchers said those in the study loss muscle mass more than fat or pure weight when they embraced intermittent fasting, according to Fox News. As a percentage, 0.5% increase in lean tissue percentage in calorie restriction (because of fat mass loss) and 2.2% increase in fasting. Layne Norton further explain this in his article ‘The Facts About Intermittent Fasting, Fat Loss, And Muscle Growth’ on (the link will open a new browser so you won’t lose this article). Anecdotally all I can say is that it is the quickest, easiest, and most successful cutting method for me. I wanna get to 10% then bulk right up to making more gains. Do you want to keep as much muscle mass as possible while you lose weight? Eat creatine (or protein shakes, or eye of newt) and you will build muscle. Fasting and Muscle Loss? I'm looking at the graph and it shows significant loss? fasting and muscle loss: In the fitness industry, more than just any industry that comes to mind, extremism is the norm. Intermittent fasting has been a form of eating that's grown in popularity over the last five years. They lead to dogmatic reasoning and cherry picking. It's much easier to fast than to eat small amounts of calories, and fasting changes your relationship with food and your reaction to craving cues you may confuse with hunger. Fasting for prolonged periods can be a scary fast FAT LOSS tool, but what about if you’re concerned about MUSCLE LOSS? Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss Preserves Muscle Mass? Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Some animals, like bears during winter hibernation, can survive without food for a very long time. He also said bmr lowed longer the fast I 100% disagree and even Dr fung shows numerous studies it even goes up. fasting and muscle loss: In the fitness industry, more than just any industry that comes to mind, extremism is the norm. Therefore, short-term fasting may not be a regime that optimizes the health benefits of fat loss per se. I’ve been getting tons of questions relating to alcohol and fat loss lately. Intermittent fasting bodybuilding helps to accelerate fat loss, preserve muscle mass, improve your overall health, and boost longevity. I don't think fasting causes that much hunger (not more than a low-calorie diet) and it makes me MORE energetic, not less. One weight-loss method that’s gotten a lot of attention lately is fasting, where people go without eating for several hours (usually 16 or more) or even a full day. It's an n=1. A new study claims it does. They had learned they could restrict food intake for a period of time with no apparent side effects. Honestly, it's the first thing that's worked well to control my emotional eating, because it takes it off the table completely. The Science of Fasting Fasting and Muscle Loss. “Loss of lean mass during weight loss typically accounts for 20% to 30% of total weight loss,” the study said. That’s always been my understanding. You can remember it by n before the m.Have a nice day! Bold in the first paragraph mine. Tag: fasting and muscle loss reddit. For me who needs to lose like 70 pds to healthy weight, i dont care about losing muscles as long as i hit the goal. A lot of walking but only occasional visits to the gym. While, this may be a feature of the environment within the HNU, it does show that immediate rebound following WL is not. More work is required in this area to investigate this phe-nomenon further. I love my hunter's highs. A key question is ‘how did. He could be intellectually honest, just like most scientists and dieticians try to be. Alternate day fasting kept muscle mass, as in zero changes in muscle mass. OK, going to the important part of the study. Call it broscience or not but I think it’s clearly true that fasting won’t make you lose muscle unless you screw it up. Here's what you should know. Many studies have shown that it has powerful effects for your body and brain, and it may even help you to live longer.Intermittent fasting is not actually a diet but rather described as an eating pattern. If u workout you might lose 1% on a 7 day fast... but might lose 5% body fat... in the big picture u have to decide what goals are. There is some good info here but it's not peer reviewed...may give you somewhere to start though. Anecdotally, however, the subjects reported a trend of using fasting as a means to control body weight. Watch The Video. But when I went to find some evidence for his claims, nearly every study I've found claims that fasting actually produces several times greater muscle loss than simple daily caloric reduction. But it can also cause all kinds of health problems, including muscle loss. Fasting spikes growth hormone, which protects against muscle loss. Remember the "anabolic window" where the trainers made concincing cases for ramming down ounces of whey powder minutes after training backed up by insulin graphs etc? Happens every time summer rolls around. Fasting and muscle loss. Do strength training during the fast. I had really hoped that extended fasting could be everything I thought it could be to cut and get lean very quickly. ADF group lost 5KG of bodyweight made up of 3.5 kg of fat mass and 1.5 of muscle mass. If it is for losing weight and to keep your new lower weight in check, then fasting is more efficient than dieting. Hey, IsaGuz, just a quick heads-up:enviroment is actually spelled environment. So everywhere i read that if u fast and dont get protein the body takes it from the muscles, But here i read that its bullshit the body dont take it from the muscles, Are there any research papers who can back it up that the muscles dont get lesser, Stephen Phinney on fasting and muscle loss. This study is skewed. These seem like fantastic studies and address exactly what I was looking for. What body composition? If you gained them by carrying tonnes of body fat you'll obviously lose some muscles mass when you'll become lighter. What is the status quo today is trash tomorrow, and vice versa it will become the status quo. Just because he's a kidney doctor, doesn't make him The Authority on nutrition. That decades of research show no such thing is telling. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A six day fast is long. You can’t eat your way to more muscle. These claims of no muscle loss appear to be bunk and, because you're not a disciple but rather someone smart enough to check claims for yourself, you've spotted the misleading rhetoric he uses. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And as we age, this can become even worse as the body breaks down more muscle resulting in sarcopenia, or loss of skeletal mass and function. Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. I would be curious as well to see what the actual impact of lifting would be, or a month or so of ketogenic dieting to fat-adapt the body before fasting is undertaken. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. That’s stupid. Intermittent Fasting And Muscle Loss – Lists Of Keto Foods. And we're talking about a 6-day fast here, not OMAD or EEOD. obligatory. It's a guarantee that muscle will be lost during a long-term full fast. He did not lift weights at any time to reduce that loss though. (It makes it easier to eat less and harder to eat more, after all.) If it still bothers you, they just use 'starvation' to refer to fasting. I also found in this study that under what we would consider the best of circumstances (though I don't know if they were lifting during this time) protein burning accounted for about 10% of energy after prolonged fasting. Now like Jason Fung said if you dont have much fat to lose then you might lose more protein/muscle. The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment. Again, no eating in 24 hours. Constantly breaking the fast means you're not getting the hormonal benefits of an extended water fast. Fasting is defined as the avoidance of food and calorie beverages for a specific period of time. This is interesting: according to this one, you retain more lean mass by intermittent fasting. Muscle gain/ loss is mostly a function of EXERCISE. It was a 12-week study with 116 obese or overweight participants, aged between 18 and 64 years. So I was excited when I heard about fasting and Dr. Fung's ideas that short fasts could produce weight loss while sparing muscle and preserving metabolism. What methods had they used to compare body weight before and after? Nobody has proved that fatloss isn't really down to calories intake vs calorie expenditure. The findings were published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. water mobilization with glycogen store depletion). I'm still looking for literature reviews on alternate-day-fasting and 5:2 fasting. Alcohol Diet Mythology Fat Loss Testosterone. I’m just doing 2 hour of brisk walking on those days and i’m close to 12% bf i believe from like 15% 2 weeks ago? Cookies help us deliver our Services. A long fast scans that show my fat loss than for muscle gain your health. Said if you gained them by carrying tonnes of body fat you 'll lighter... 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