I keep getting the error, "No bodies remain after combine operation". Rather than extruding up to next I set a distance making sure there was no gaps from the two profiles. 29 jul, 2016 12:52 pm i have a blade with so many small surfaces.i want to merge them all to get clear one or two surfaces.how it can be done please help me. The whole cosmos was just for S&Giggles. of multiple. There were a few areas to tidy up the main one being the Top Flange-Inlet Filler. Keyboard Shortcuts ; Preview This Course. By using solidworks combine feature, we can add bodies, subtract one boy from other and also can keep body of our choice using solidworks keep body option. Share. All parts are combined now. In the PropertyManager, under Operation Type, select Add. ALL posts related to SOLIDWORKS are welcome. As for the hard angles, I can find ways around them. SolidWorks Combine Feature like union subtraction, intersection https://www.dropbox.com/s/5zyyzvpckjvkyai/gun_body.SLDPRT. You should use Merge result more consistently. Learn what you don't. Using separate bodies makes it easier to model. In SOLIDWORKS 2017 there is a new enhancement that will allow you to save your features to solid/surface bodies. I could take a look tomorrow, probably. Note: The Combine command is available in multibody part files only. Click Combine (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Combine. That and the fact that all the bodies are made using the same edges, which could mean slight variation where edges should be coincident. I wanted to check and see what it would do if it was under my FOS load. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. That doesn't mean that my model doesn't have any. Ensure that the option for "Stringent Check" is toggled. Also, I know the trick where you make bodies overlap just a bit, but I don't want to resort to that as some of the bodies are very complex (particularly around the handle, which I made originally using surfaces), and extending their boundaries would be very very challenging. When it's happened to me I can usually fix it by changing the sketches so the parts overlap into each other. If you use Mouse Gestures...4 or 8 gestures. A simple example might be if you are looking to mirror and merge an asymmetrical body to replicate the good side. The link is an edit in the original post text. The other thing that should be done is running a Check on the model. then added to the main body in this example. Then run a complete rebuild of your model by hitting Ctrl-Q. This, as far as i can tell, is one of those SW mysteries. I guarantee I can get any model to Shell when the minimum radius of curvature is less than the desired wall thickness. I then added a little more meat to it so it would combine. I am defining multiple bodies as two extruded cubes, 1 X 1 X 1, mated together with three mates, forming a multiple body (assembly) 1 X 1 X 2. Also, minimum radius of curvature will has no impact on trying to merge bodies, which is the OPs original question. My.SolidWorks. Thanks for taking some time to look at my model the other day. Learn how to use solidworks combine feature or command. It's telling me that there are 5 Solid bodies and 4 Surface bodies. EDIT: Here is a dropbox with the file! I was able to get the Solid Bodies down to 2 instead of 5 by editing the "Gussets" extrude and adding the main body to the merge Feature Scope. If you highlight the result in the selection box an arrow will show in the graphics area. Combine can be found through the Insert, Features drop down menu or my selecting more than 1 solid body in the Feature Tree and doing a Right Click and selecting Combine. Alternatively, if you PM me, we can work out a way for me to send you the file, and you can give it a stab! Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. I've never used either of those myself, but you could try to look into it. The way I usually deal with this type of problem is just to extend the bodies that I want to merge so that they intersect, even if it's just a little bit. It doesn't show why it won't work. I will try this a bit later when I have time. Then you can use Combine on the multibody part. I recommend always working with Verification on Rebuild on to ensure that you're not creating faulty geometry. Can't edit multi-body part file The attachment illustrates a die cast part (LH view) having a steel core with cast aluminum encapsulating the core. You cannot combine two separate parts. You will need a multi-body part for this feature. To begin, create a multibody part and position the bodies you want to combine in the correct location. There are also a couple of lofts I had to do as surfaces. However, now I'm not sure if I ever actually used them. I rarely work with Surfaces, so that's as far as I could get. I was previously running a student version I had for 1 year after I got it as a college student, but that ship had sailed and I got a 30 day trial, which has just expired itself. Please take a look at the attached file and make suggestions. Bleh SW 2018. LOL. Ensure that the option for "Stringent Check" is toggled. Combine bodies in a join, cut, or intersect operation. Or surfaces that 'should' be solid. It is strongly recommended that you do not use the Combine feature to combine weldment bodies. Click the Base selection arrow and in the graphics window, choose the solid body to act upon. It's the most challenging thing I've done. Minimum radius of curvature has nothing to do with a Shell succeeding or failing despite the error message that SolidWorks displays. This will analyze your geometry for any errors in the underlying NURBS surfaces. I'm at a point now where I want to merge in order to change some minor details then shell the whole thing. I was about to type "what?" I got my model to look right, but there are definitely places where I have no idea how I got things work. If it reports any errors other than "Open Surface" there is a flaw in your geometry that is ⦠Can you drop it in digital drop box? For the outlet "sub-assembly" I didn't want to merge it into the main body until after I used "intersect" to get the basic volume shape and shelled it. You can use dropbox to host a zip file. Then you can use Combine on the multibody part. My.SolidWorks Subscription Services > Parts and Features > Features > Tools for Features > Manipulation of Features > Combine Bodies > Combining Bodies - Add Also tweaked the Inlet-Outlet bosses. Seems like you bounce in and out of using it. You can PM them to me. Convert to Bodies will take your feature tree and condense it down to a single feature, yet maintain any geometric references from other parts, assemblies, or ⦠The default is to only check faces against adjacent faces on rebuild. Depending on how the assembly was made most of the time this process will work: However, if the assembly canât be conbined the reason is due to one of the following factors: Figure 31.6 shows the starting and ending points of the process, as well as the I attach the file with the *.XT to you.... Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. You need to shell it before adding a lot of these complex features. As for shelling, I was planning on removing some of the smaller features (I was working on this for two different projects at once, one needed as much detail as possible) and altering it to make it shellable. You can select bodies in the graphics area or the Solid Bodies folder in the FeatureManager design tree. I apologize if the feature tree is a little confusing in places. Innova Systems is an authorised Value Added Reseller for SOLIDWORKS 3D design software. Call us on 01223 200690. http://www.innova-systems.co.uk Solidworks combine featurecan also help to model commn or shared area of bodies. Convert to Bodies. Chances are good you have some corner or point that comes together creating a 0 point. I don't see a compelling reason to make this individual bodies at all. I've started on another similar part and it's going a bit smoother this time. Step4 â Combine all Solid Bodies Now that you have completed turning your surfaces into solids you can now combine them into one body. In the meantime, I gotta do some research into my options. This will analyze your geometry for any errors in the underlying NURBS surfaces. I've been working on a model of a machined casting for an industrial fluid strainer for the past few weeks. To fix it I've had to remove features like fillets, then shell, then add the fillets back in manually for external and internal faces. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It's hard to find. Also, due to the round off errors of SW maths, you may have two faces that should be coincident to each other that are minutely different. Shelling can also be a bitch, sometimes it makes a corner that goes to 0 so it can't shell. I saw on one forum that you could use Thickness Analysis or Check Entity. Now some of the extrudes don't have the "Merge" box checked intentionally. The body that was used in the previous example to indent the main body is moved and. Thanks for all the help, I have bookmarked this thread, and will try /u/and_ampersand_'s advice when I can. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. It seems quite helpful. However, you can create a multibody part by using Insert Part to place one part into the other part file. So many hard angles that would eliminate any shell point. However, there were times I got a bit overwhelmed with getting lofts, etc to cooperate. It is strongly recommended that you do not use the Combine feature to combine weldment bodies. For the example I chose to I tried to keep things straight & logical and renamel everything. I've shelled some crazy stuff in the past, and this is doable for me. Subscription Services > Parts and Features > Features > Tools for Features > Manipulation of Features > Combine Bodies. However, I 'm not able to merge it all together now. gives me inspiration to put more effort into small details. ha. © 2014 Dassault Systemes Solidworks Corp. Jive Software Version: 2018.25.0.0_jx, revision: 20200515130928.787d0e3.release_2018.25.0-jx. but then looked at the title again. However, is there a reason you are now merging all of the solid bodies instead of merging them as you work? nrel_5mw_reference.sldprt. There's a few you can use but you need to be really careful when doing a shell that you don't have any features that won't shell out. However, I can't get the thing to merge together into a single solid body. As I understand it, it's a problem with zero-thickness geometry (mating surfaces which are exact) I've searched the forum and tried the few answers I found, including: Extruded Boss/Base with "merge result" selected to add material so the two intersect. Dropbox with the file is now in the post. This will check every face in the model against every other face in the model for errors. I can't get really into details because that part is ENORMOUS. I get them from time to time, and have to approach it differently- sometimes even overshoot and cut a merged part. I am pretty sure I knitted them together and solidified them. You cannot combine two separate parts. It's not a very elegant solution, but it works most of the time. EDIT2: OH NO! All that remains are solids. At one point I created Surfaces with a 0.00 offset with the theory that they should help with joining surfaces and things together. If any of your features enter an error state, this might be the source of your problems. The common function allows you to add two bodies together, and keep the area that is common to them. Using the Move/Copy Bodies and Combine features. I can't work on this any more until I find a way to get SolidWorks for free or very very cheap. The command is found under "Tools> Check". If it reports any errors other than "Open Surface" there is a flaw in your geometry that is preventing the bodies from being merged. Not ideal but it works. I highly doubt this part will ever shell in it's current form. I believe check entity is just to see if a process will work on a body or sketch. Are they solid bodies? I've been working on a model of a Nerf gun for a while, and have run into trouble merging the bodies (I'm ready to shell). I suspect some error in the handle, which was made from some complex surfacing. combine in SolidWorks This video features Add, subtract, combine two bodies in the software. It would definitely help to see the the solid bodies that you are trying to merge. Now some of the extrudes don't have the "Merge" box checked intentionally. ... solidworks: similar questions. Combine body. I just dropboxed it. It's telling me that there are 5 Solid bodies and 4 Surface bodies. Besides that awesome detail! For Bodies to Combine, select the bodies to combine. I know that trick, but am avoiding it as some of the bodies are quite complex, and the way I made them involved using other bodies as edges and boundaries. To use this feature, we will select the common button, and then under Bodies to Combine, select the two bodies. On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab Modify panel Combine . This feature can be used to join two or more bodies together. Sometimes you want to keep all of your split bodies and sometimes you are splitting a body with the goal of getting rid of part of the model. However, I can't get the thing to merge together into a single solid body. I also know there are a few voids buried inside somewhere. However, you can create a multibody part by using Insert Part to place one part into the other part file. Is it possible to make a single feature from multiple bodies. It's just a shortcut so that you don't need to do delete body as a second feature. Does anyone know a good way to find zero thickness geometry. That then had a knock-on effect which was simple enough to sort. praveen kumar. how to merge the surfaces in the solid body. now if only I can get on solidworks.... Use the check feature under the tools pulldown and check the box that says minimum radius of curvature. I finally had time to get on and work on it and lo and behold, my trial version of SolidWorks has expired! Thinking I was building this part properly using the import/combine tools, any edits to the part that intrude into the imported steel core are ignored. Even my most complex parts don't get that large. If this is the case, you should be able to merge the bodies by deleting the coincident faces with the Delete Face command and using Surface Knit with the "Try to form solid" option to turn the Surface Bodies into a Solid Body. Share what you know. Good luck! As for why I wan't merging as I went, I was, but in order to do the handle I had to work separate for a while. Some of them started as surfaces, but I have merged and thickened all the surface bodies away. Looks like you should have posted this in r/sex. The Move/Copy Bodies and Combine features can be demonstrated using the same part. The command is found under "Tools> Check". If you donât see the Bodies Folder go to Options, then Feature manager, then select Show on the Solid Bodies Option. Hopefully one of the Surfaces gurus out there will be able to finish. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.dropbox.com/s/5zyyzvpckjvkyai/gun_body.SLDPRT. You definitely won't be able to shell it in it's current form. Finally, under "Options>Performance" toggle on "Verification on Rebuild". Think about keeping your part solid for as long as possible. Second I'm not an advocate of using surface modeling in combination of body modeling. Like you, I don't usually play with surfaces very much.This has definitely been a learning experience. The Combine feature lives under Insert>Features>Combine. I get zero thickness errors, but I can't figure out where those errors occur, or how to fix them. On top of the fact that you can use surfaces with solids, you can often use different bodies intersecting to make new shapes. I still can't seem to get it to be one solid body and I really don't want to have to go and add blanks or adjust my model. Can't help as I only have SW 2017. I finally have it so that the geometry is all correct. You can also subtract one or more bodies from a single body. It would be best if you can supply the SW file. For example from the start you should move the boss extrude 3 and cut extrude 1 above boss extrudes 1 and 2 then merge results. Select the common function allows you to Add two bodies minimum radius of curvature is less than desired! My trial Version of solidworks has expired solution, but i have bookmarked this thread, and have to it! Long as possible 2017 there is a new enhancement that will allow you to Add two together. Is now in the correct location when it 's telling me that there are also a couple of i! Work on it and lo and behold, my trial Version of has. Trying to merge it all together now the *.XT to you.... error: you n't! 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