While the stages were all fairly short and very linear, there was a lot of variety. That way you get both achievements and you remember where everything is at. If you fall in water, off a tree, off a cliff, etc it counts as a death. Kung Fu Panda (video game) Full PC Game Overview. I would do this on the first level. If you want to find out which level, go to the load screen and scan through the levels, if it says 0 you found all the ones for that level. Kung Fu Panda review (Xbox 360) Reviewed January 14, 2009 Rob Hamilton says: "As one of those older gamers, the main thing I enjoyed about this game was its level design. This edition of Kung Fu Farmer DS Rom has a many different levels to play through and even more extra items to open. You must be signed into an HonestGamers user account to leave feedback on this review. Rescue 10 villages: check the collectible guide. Unfortunately, his weight and clumsiness makes this ambition seemingly unattainable. Hit the buttons on the pillars to quickly kill them before they can even grab anything. Completed level "Wudang Temple" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Wikis. Retrieve 4 moonstones: received automatically. While the stages were all fairly short and very linear, there was a lot of variety. It is about the quest of a giant panda named Po … The Kung Fu Panda video game takes gamers on an epic adventure through 13 awesome levels from the movie and beyond. Cheat codes in this game DO NOT disable achievements. Level 15: Kung Fu is a Rolling Sky level. First, start a new game at the Dragon Warrior difficulty. Destroy 8 trap door locks: received automatically. Use of this site is subject to express terms of use. They come in three groups and the last group comes very fast. Play your game until level 10 then do the following: Once you get to last part of Level 10, you will be in a pit and be required to close 8 trapdoors. ... players must work through 12 distinct levels … DO NOT save over your Master difficulty playthrough. This game is a very easy 1000 . Like “The Forbidden Kingdom,” Panda is about a geeky kung fu know-it-all actually learning kung fu and taking names. PlayStation 2, Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Macintosh In the Kung Fu Panda video game, players embark on an epic, action-packed adventure as they master the specialized Kung Fu fighting styles of Po the Panda, the unlikely hero, his teacher Shifu, and the legendary Kung Fu masters, the Furious Five: Monkey, Tigress, Viper, Mantis and Crane. . find a worthy opponent: automatically received. The game contains several Kung Fu Panda games, such as the Kung Venne Panda online games that are available on Manufacturers DS and Wii, along with new features including fresh stages, lower scenes, and special animations and tracks. Rescue 4 adult turtles: check the collectible guide. Thank you for reading! The game was released across various platforms in June 2008. Rescue 5 villagers: check the collectible guide. Buyers be warned that although the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii versions of Kung Fu Panda all cost the same ($49.99), the games are not created equal. Rescue 16 prisoners: check the collectible guide. As you play, make sure to follow the guide linked above. If you enjoyed this Kung Fu Panda review, you're encouraged to discuss it with the author and with other members of the site's community. Instead, Panda stumble around and around. I got this on the second level. As one of those older gamers, the main thing I enjoyed about this game was its level design. for more information. Same as "Fastest Warrior" just do strong attacks instead. Bodacious Humor – Kung Fu Panda’s unique brand of humor, quick-witted dialogue and hilarious situations bring the game to life for players of all ages to enjoy. Only a few parts of the game may trip you up and it's relatively short length will not occupy your time for too long. These can be done on easy but it will make your 1000 much longer. With this in mind, once again follow the collectible and achievement guides and complete the entire playthrough. If you are wondering what you are missing, you can go to extras and see what is not found yet. You can either play through the entire game on each difficulty right in a row, or play each level on medium first, then on a different save file go right back and play it on Dragon Warrior. Otherwise, just use fast attacks only on a large group of enemies. Find 10 tortoise eggs: check the collectible guide:. Po- Kung Fu Panda Color by Number Use basic counting skills to create a video game picture of Po- Kung Fu Panda Color by Number. Completed the entire game on the Dragon Warrior Difficulty setting. Also note that enemies in this playthrough will be slightly tougher to kill than the previous one. Besides that, should be really easy for you. Recover 10 vases: check the collectible guide for the locations. Sponsor Guide | This is very frustrating but you'll eventually learn the pattern and be able to get to an artifact even before it is being attacked. Do this on the training level with all the time trials (level 3). Obtain a Hit Chain of 5 or higher using only Panda Stumble. The game revolves around Po, a giant panda who dreams of becoming a great kung fu fighter. Kung Fu Panda (video game) Download Free Full Game is a video game, loosely based on the movie of the same name. Missing a button sequence DOES count as a death as well, so if you miss one reload. The main character is Po, a panda with big Kung Fu dreams. Beat 4 time records: pass all four time trials. Fly Zeng to safety: automatically received. However, considering this particular title is likely aimed at the younger audience, the level of challenge makes little sense. If it is upgraded all the way, you will pretty much destroy half of the room. Print the PDF to use the worksheet. Rescue 4 villagers: check the collectible guide. Like mentioned earlier, you have to play the game twice! Completed level "Level Zero" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Step 4: Playthrough #2 It is now time for playthrough #2. Rescue the baby tortoise: automatically received. Kung Fu Panda is a video game based on the film of the same name.The game was released across various platforms on June 3, 2008 in North America. The ape will be pelting you with huge rocks, but they won't stop your stumble so just keep going. To get these achievements, play on medium (Master Ninja) so you can get the achievement for beating the game on that difficulty ("Game Completed - Master"). DON'T CLOSE ANY YET. Welcome to Kung Fu Panda. You'll also want to do the level 10 coin trick again to at least max out your Panda Belly Slam. Make it through an entire level without getting hit. It takes around 8-10 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360. Game of the Year Awards 2020 - The Nominees, Cyberpunk 2077 Hotfix 1.06 Rolls Out With a Few More Fixes. Completed level "The Final Battle" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. If you die, load your last checkpoint and you're good to go. Game description: In the Kung Fu Panda video game, players embark on an epic, action-packed adventure as they master the specialized Kung Fu fighting styles of Po the Panda, the unlikely hero, his teacher Shifu, and the legendary Kung Fu masters, the Furious Five: Monkey, Tigress, Viper, Mantis and Crane. Once on Master, and once on Dragon Warrior. Like I said before the game is pretty quick and easy to complete. AK2130's Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends Trophies So, when Luxoflux developed the 2008 video game Kung Fu Panda to go along with the movie, I was naturally excited. For this playthrough don't worry about getting hit or dying. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki ... Kung Fu Panda: The Board Game >> more...--Parent info; Books. Complete level "The Warrior's Destiny" 100%. This loose adaption of the movie puts you in control of the famous Po and you, unlike your movie counterpart, can kick some ass. Make it through an entire level without blocking an attack. Even after a wave is dead, continue to stumble as an infinite amount of waves is coming. Next, familiarize yourself with the collectibles guide that is posted here. Usually games I review fall into two distinct categories. This is much easier done after beating the game and getting "Ultimate Dragon Warrior" since you will have all your skills upgraded. Another easy one, just roll into a group of enemies and hit 5! Kung Fu Panda: Legendary Warriors is a video game for the Nintendo DS and Wii.It is a sequel to the video game Kung Fu Panda.Players get to play the role as Po, Shifu, Tigress, and Monkey throughout the game levels. Complete level "Tournament of the Dragon Warrior" 100%. Forced Stumble doesn't count. The Art of Kung Fu Panda; The Art of Kung Fu Panda 2; The Art of Kung Fu Panda 3; The Tao of Po; Dragon Warrior isn't really that hard. The plot of the game hails directly from the movie that inspired it. If you don't already have an HonestGamers account, you can sign up for one in a snap. Over the course of the game's narrative, the player improves … achievements. However, the reality is he works in a noodle shop with his father and has a somewhat meager existence compared to the Kung Fu all-stars he idolizes. Defeat the Wu sisters: received automatically. Also make sure you familiarize yourself with the achievement guide. Level 3 100% on Dragon Warrior (30 points): Complete level "Level Zero" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Protect 12 treasures: there will be waves of enemies. Completed level "Tournament of the Dragon Warrior" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Completed level "The Warrior's Destiny" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. It's a prequel to Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends, a game, published by Little Orbit, released one year ago before this game. Good Luck and don't get too frustrated. Introduction Welcome to Kung Fu Panda. If you're low on health, search for some when they aren't stealing. Just do the panda stomp (A, then B in the air) and not all will die, then do another one right away. Obtain a Hit Chain of 10 or higher using only Fast Attacks. Reload right away if you miss one. Kung Fu Panda's Po and the Furious Five return in an all-new awesome video game adventure in Kung Fu Panda: Legendary Warriors™. If you're at this point and have not gotten any of the achievements simply open up a save and use and to choose a level to play again. - Glitched achievements: None! Xbox Achievements is not affiliated with Microsoft or Xbox, it is owned and run by Resero Network Ltd. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This is "medium" difficulty. Contact | One playthrough at Master difficulty and the other at Dragon Warrior difficulty. This is where finding all those secret coins and trophies comes in! Rescue 5 heroes: check the collectible guide. At this point there won't be anyone attacking the artifacts, so head into the side rooms and fill your health, then kill off the wolves and continue. Ethics | Just don't press the left trigger at all. You just have to buy ALL your upgrades, including extra costumes! After this if you don't have the chain combo achievements. A good spot for this is on level 6, there should be a nice open area near one of the relics to roll in a big circle. Players must master the specialized kung fu fighting … If they do grab something, panda stumble to get around faster. Obtain a Hit Chain of 5 or higher using only Strong Attacks. Panda stomp is also a very good idea. Links. I recommend using your Master playthrough with maxed out stats before trying the guide's technique. Repeat the process over and over until you have enough coins to purchase all upgrades. You can upgrade during the level by going to the pause menu and scrolling right, so you'll know when you can stop. The ones you'll need are as follows: Infinite Chi - Down, Right, Left, Up, Down Invulnerability - Down, Down, Right, Up, Left 4x Damage Multiplier - Up, Down, Up, Right, Left Step 1: Prepare for Playthrough #1 First of all enter the cheats mentioned above. The rest require you to either collect/complete everything in a level (100%) or perform other tasks. Level 4 100% on Dragon Warrior (30 points): Complete level "Protect the Palace" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Completed level "Secret of the Sands" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Doing so, like most of the game, isn't particularly challenging, but it's enough to draw you back into each of the levels for another run-through. Conclusion That's it! This game has a total of 39 achievements and requires two playthroughs to get 1000 . You should get a 15 point combo for smashing them. Protect 14 artifacts: hardest part of the game right here. Step 5: Untouchable Achievement The last thing to do is get the "Untouchable" achievement. Complete level "Protect the Palace" 100%. A tiny percentage of them are ones I received as an assignment, while the vast majority are ones I made the choice to own in some way, shape or form that I decided to type about for whatever reason. Panda Stumble for 60 Seconds. Wilderness survival skills are crucial in this massive jungle world. Defend the sacred structure: there are three pillars when you are playing as Shifu that you need to protect. Completed level "Howling Moon" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Some of Kung Fu Panda's later levels can get downright grueling. Monumentally entertaining. For this playthrough the big thing to remember is DON'T DIE. Unfortunately his weight and clumsiness makes this ambition seemingly unattainable. Destroy 24 climbing rigs: check the collectible guide. Black's the main attraction, and is the perfect person to play the fat, out-of-shape, kung-fu gung-ho panda. Complete the entire game on the Master Difficulty setting. Completed level "Po's Dream" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Thr Defeat the juggernaut: automatically received. This is because the dummies will die easier in master than dragon warrior difficulty. Play as all Your Favorite Characters – Gamers learn to utilize the special abilities and combat skills … Kung Fu Panda 2 KUNG FU CANNON Sound & Lights Kaboom 2010 Dreamworks Mattel MIB $59.99 Kung Fu Panda RARE Staff Spinnin' MASTER MONKEY 2008 Dreamworks Mattel MOC You probably won't block much the entire game though. Use Shifu's B special move to get around quickly (just hold B down) and use fast attacks to take out the groups. The two vases by the front door are your main priority since they get attacked the most. Falling off a cliff or into the water counts as a death, so be careful during those levels. A whole bunch of pigs will run up to it. The key to beating this without getting hit is using ground pound. Category:Levels | Kung Fu Panda Wiki. API STATUS: Working December 2020. The only part that gives you trouble is the last time trial when you have to pass the spinning blades to go the second floor (take the side to the right of the door, when facing it. Step 3: Prepare for Playthrough #2 Once again ensure you have entered all the cheats mentioned above, open up the collectibles guide and prepare to follow it once more. Obtain a Hit Chain of 15 or higher using any combination of attacks. At least Jack Black's narration injects a fair amount of humor into what would otherwise be a very generic game. Animal fighting challenge will give you experience to level-up of your giant panda. With. Extinguish 8 fires: check the collectible guide. You unlock this achievement by finding all the extras in the levels. However, he soon finds himself going on a journey to save the land from a no good snow leopard named Tai Lung. So unless you are actually playing for the thrill of the game or feel it's cheap, use them. The level features many Pandas which have become a symbol of Kung Fu since the release of Kung Fu Panda. Only Panda is a heck of a lot more entertaining. Go to the extras menu to input them. Rescue 8 villagers: check the collectible guide. This game has a total of 39 achievements and requires two playthroughs to get 1000 . You will get this in no time, just fast attack a group of enemies. Destroy 32 target dummies: pass the first time trial. A significant feature has Jackie Chan reprising his role of Master Monkey. Let the enemies all get close to you and just use fast or strong attack to kill them all. Best done on your Master play through the game, but if for some reason you can't do it there, you'll need to play a third time on the easiest setting. One playthrough at Master difficulty and the other at Dragon Warrior difficulty. The Top 5 Video Game Easter Eggs of 2020. You can let two of them be destroyed so stay by one if you don't think you can save all of them. But also joining the fray are the forces of the Wu Sisters a snow leopard, the Great Gorilla a gorilla, the Blackhoof Boar C… User Help | Fast attacks are done with X. Play it a few times to get the order of everything. Completed level "The Palace" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. Kung Fu Panda has 39 Achievements worth 1000 points. You get a few pretty big fights later in the game. - Do cheat codes disable achievements? Overview: - Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10 - Offline: 39 (1000 ) - Online: 0 - Approximate amount of time to 1000 : 5-10 hours - Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 2 - Number of missable achievements: None! PSN Leaderboard is an API giving webmasters access to trophy information, profiles, metadata, images and video for PlayStation Network games and gamers on the PS3, Vita and PlayStation 4. mrSpriggi's Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends Trophies That's for the next playthrough. : No! Completed level "Treacherous Waters" 100% on Dragon Warrior Level. After doing the above, continue following the guides and complete this playthrough. x360a would like to thank Method for this Road Map. Just do a panda stumble or fast attacks to kill the enemies. Full list of all 39 Kung Fu Panda achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. This will also give you the 60 second stumble achievement. Kung Fu Panda is based on the movie Kung Fu Panda. Following that guide will give you the "Level ## 100% on ____!" Suggested Grade Level Complete level "Secret of the Sands" 100%. If this happens reload your save and you'll be fine. Some will try to steal the treasure and some won't. While the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, both of which were developed by Luxoflux, are perfectly playable and even enjoyable, the Wii version (created by a different developer, Xpec) is vastly inferior. 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